Monday, September 30, 2019

Suicide and the Harm Principle

The Right to Suicide and Harm Suicide under circumstances of extreme suffering is the morally right action as opposed to the alternative, living in pain. J. S. Mill’s Utilitarian ideals provide strong reasoning to support suicide in instances of severe pain, while Kant’s moral theory of the categorical imperative provides reasoning against taking one’s own life. Mill’s principle of utility is the maximization of pleasure and the reduction of pain. Mill regards happiness as the greatest good in life and all actions should be performed as long as they have the tendency to produce pleasure.Mill also introduces the Harm Principle. The Harm Principle is used to determine whether coercion is justifiable based on the impact of individual actions. Stated, the Harm Principle is â€Å"the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant† (On Liberty, I, 9). Mill believe that individuals have the right to autonomy in order to produce pleasure for themselves, but the right to autonomy must be controlled to allow equal exercise of this right by all individuals.To understand the application of Mill’s principles, harm must be defined. Harm is damage to another individual against their will. Mill introduces two types of harm: direct and indirect. Direct harm is when an individual performs an action that directly harms another person, such as murder. Indirect harm is when the individual performs an action that causes damage to others through performing an action on one’s self. (On Liberty, I, 11) The distinction between indirect and direct harm determines whether the individual who performed the action resulting in the harm is morally responsible for the harm inflicted.Mill offers little towards the definition of harm and the distinction between direct and indirect h arm. He writes: â€Å"Whenever, in short, there is a definite damage, or a definite risk of damage, either to an individual or to the public, the case is taken out of the province of liberty, and placed in that of morality or law† (On Liberty, IV, 10) Mill states that when individual actions pose a risk of â€Å"definite† damage, the individual is responsible to society for those actions.Therefore, â€Å"definite† harm is direct harm to others and all other harms are either (1) indirect harm to others or (2) direct harm to oneself and undeserving of legal or moral sanctions. However, the word â€Å"definite† is vague, leaving the definitions of indirect and direct harm unclear. To determine responsibility and appropriate sanctions to punish and deter, Mill employs a central idea of his theory: personal autonomy. Personal autonomy is an individual’s ability to pursue â€Å"their own good in their own way†, one of Mill’s four absolute r ights (On Liberty, I, 14).Each individual has the absolute right to exercise this autonomy, unless their actions impact the autonomy of another person. In cases where autonomous actions result in direct harm to others, either the government is justified in imposing legal sanctions such as jail time, or society is justified in imposing moral sanctions, such as shaming. Therefore, to determine whether direct harm was committed, one looks at whether one individual caused the abridgment of another individual’s absolute rights. Exegesis In this section, a case will be presented to prompt discussion about the morally validity of suicide.Mill’s reasoning will include a utility calculation and an evaluation of direct and indirect harm. Consider the following case. A young woman named Jane, aged 29, finds out she has the Parkinson’s gene. Jane watched her mother die from the disease and does not want to die the way her mother did. When the symptoms begin to set in and wo rsen, she decides to commit suicide. She knows that she can live many more years with the disease but she knows that her quality of life will be reduced. Jane believes that her quality of life will be so diminished that death is the only option. Is it right for Jane commit suicide?Mill would invoke the Harm Principle. The act of committing suicide would be a self-regarding act. As the harm is directly imposed on herself, all other consequences of her action are considered indirect as they occur through Jane’s self-regarding act. Hence, Jane should suffer no moral or legal sanctions for committing suicide. Furthermore, she has evaluated her options and upon deep consideration, decided that the pain of living with her condition outweighs the pleasure of living with her condition. A utility calculation can be formalized to further justify her decision on utilitarian grounds. Utilitarianism) For Jane: 1. Tendency to cause pleasure: 100 units 2. Tendency to cause pain: 50 units Fo r the aggregate of the other people affected: 3. Tendency to cause pleasure: 10 units 4. Tendency to cause pain: 20 units Hence: Pleasure: 110 units, Pain: 70 units. Perform the action. For Jane, dying would be the ultimate pleasure as it is the end of her suffering. She views suicide as the mean to her ultimate end: happiness. For Jane, the pain of dying is less than the pain of living. After seeing her mother die from Parkinson’s disease, she makes the valid decision to not die the same way.She recognizes that death is the end of her life and the pain of leaving her family and friends does impact on this decision. Yet, when compared to the suffering she will endure as her Parkinson’s progresses, the pleasure derived from these relationships is not enough to compel her to live. For the aggregate of the community, pleasure derived from Jane performing the action of suicide would be the comfort in knowing that (a) her wishes were respected and (b) her suffering is relie ved. However, the pain of Jane’s suicide outweighs the pleasure as the interests of the aggregate are compromised by her death.Upon her death, they mourn her loss and her loss deprives them of their relationship to her, along with other interests that she contributed to satisfying in living her life. Compared to the value of Jane’s pleasure and pain, the value of the aggregate of all other affected persons is less. Jane is directly impacted by her action, while all the others are indirectly impacted. Mill gives more consideration to direct actions as they are in the sphere of personal responsibility. Harm suffered outside of Jane’s sphere of action, or indirect actions, are of lesser value to Jane as she has no moral responsibility for indirect harm.Furthermore, the indirect harm does not violate anyone’s liberty rights and is therefore of lesser value than the direct harm. Therefore, Jane is justified in placing a lower value on the aggregate pain and pl easure of the community compared to her personal pain and pleasure. Hence, the tendency to cause pleasure outweighs the tendency to cause pain and the action should be performed. When one decides to commit suicide, Mill would argue that the only person directly affected is the individual.However, Mill writes: â€Å"No person is an entirely isolated being†, showing how an individual’s actions are never completely self-regarding (On Liberty). There will always be affected parties by your actions. While the family and friends of the individual will mourn the death, they are mourning the loss of a life. The loss of life affects the family and friends by harming the interests that they had in the success of the individual as a human life. For example, if the Jane was a mother, her family has a strong interest in maintaining their family structure and growing up with a present mother.While the harm is indirect, it is significant and â€Å"definite† as the family will be affected for the rest of their lives. With her death, their interests are compromised. The principal interest of all rational humans is happiness and interests serve the purpose of maximizing pleasure and reducing pain (Utilitarianism, II, 2). Pleasure is derived from living a good life and interests are what the individual desires to attain happiness. The pursuit of happiness is done through satisfying the individual interests of a person, hence to deny an individual of these interests would be to deny them of their happiness.The definitions of direct and indirect harm appear unsatisfactory in determining the morality of an action; however, by evaluating the importance of personal autonomy, a more satisfying conclusion is reached. If interests are the means to the ultimate end of happiness, then the individual who wants to commit suicide is a mean to the ultimate end of her family and friends’ happiness. If the individual satisfies her own happiness by committing suicide, she is performing an action to achieve her ends. Mill writes that the only justification needed for determining the desirability of an action is whether it is desired. Utilitarianism, IV, 3) As the individual desires to die, it is sufficient evidence that the action will provide happiness to the individual. Whether this action affects the interests of others is of minimal concern, as rational beings are not intended to serve as means to another’s happiness. Hence, suicide is justified as long as the individual achieves the ultimate end of happiness despite harming the interests of others. The Objection In this section, an objection from the perspective of Kant will be presented using the four formulations of his categorical imperative.Immanuel Kant would provide a compelling objection to Mill’s justification of suicide. Kant offers four formulations of the categorical imperative, proving suicide as an immoral act by the definition that moral actions meet the formulati ons of the categorical imperative. First, the Formula of Universal Law, states: â€Å" I ought never to conduct myself except so that I could also will that my maxim become a universal law†(Groundwork, Ak4:401) . The maxim that Jane is acting upon is killing one’s self to relieve suffering.To will this to become a universal law would be to will that all human suffering can solved through suicide. However, this is a self-defeating maxim as one can not enjoy relief from suffering if one ceases to exist. Second, the Formula of Nature states: â€Å"Act as if the maxim of your action were to become through your will a universal law of nature† (Groundwork, Ak4:421). By this formulation of the categorical imperative, the justification for committing suicide would be that she believes that suicide should be a universal law of nature.To say that suicide should be a universal law of nature is again, as mentioned in the above formulation, self-defeating. Also, Jane, as a r ational agent, would not will suicide to be a universal law of nature; hence, Kant would conclude that she is not justified in committing suicide. Third, the Formula of Humanity states: â€Å"†¦ any rational being exists as an end in itself, not merely as a means to the discretionary use of this or that will, but in all its actions, those directed toward itself as well as those directed toward other rational beings, it must at the same time be considered as an end† (Groundwork, Ak:4:428).Simply put, this formulation of the categorical imperative states that all rational beings are considered ends, rather then just means to another’s ends. Each individual is an end within themselves and all rational being must regard other rational beings as ends rather than means. In Jane’s decision to commit suicide, Kant would say that she is treating her own life as mere means to achieve her end. Kant explicitly writes: â€Å"the one who has suicide in mind will ask him self whether his action could subsist together with the idea of humanity as an end in itself† (Groundwork, Ak4:429).Kant believes that all rational humans are not mere means to ends, but ends within themselves. If one commits suicide, one acts in a way that regards their humanity as a mere means to their happiness, as they believe that happiness is achieved following their death. Kant would argue that suicide degrades humanity on the whole, treating life as a means to the ultimate end, rather than an end in itself (Groundwork, Ak4:42964). Fourth, the Formula of Autonomy states: â€Å"Not to choose otherwise than so that the maxims of one’s choice are at the same time comprehended with it in the same volition as universal law† (Groundwork, Ak4:441).This formulation of the categorical imperative says that by free will, rational agents dictate laws and by the same free will, rational agents subject themselves to the laws they dictate. Through this formulation, Kant demonstrates the absolute value of reason in rational beings. Through reason, rational beings create the laws through which they live moral lives. Suicide, even in the case of suffering, would not be a law that a rational agent would universally impose upon society for if it were imposed on society, humanity would be degraded.Kant would also argue that Jane has the perfect duty to preserve her life that this maxim would violate. Her duty relies on the respect for humanity and human life as ends, rather than means. Her violation of the duty through suicide shows a lack of respect for human reason as she is readily able to dispose of her own. Hence, Kant would conclude that the maxim of suicide to relieve suffering is not a valid maxim as it fails to satisfy this formula. Therefore, Kant would argue that suicide to relieve suffering does not satisfy the categorical imperative and is morally wrong.The Rejoinder In this section, Mill’s response to Kant’s objection is prese nted. By recalling the concept of autonomy, Mill refutes Kant’s objection to suicide. In response to Kant’s claims that suicide violates the four formulations, Mill would argue that based on the supreme principle of personal autonomy, Kant’s claims are false. While the maxim of killing one’s self to relieve suffering is not one that can be universally applied, the magnitude of suffering is important in considering Jane’s decision.It is far too broad to say that lack of respect for one individual’s life will lead to the erosion of respect for all human life (Edwards). Situations of suicide must be evaluated on an individual basis, not on the premise of respect for the entire human race. Realistically, it is unlikely that Jane’s suicide will lead to justification of suicide. Occurring every 13. 7 minutes in the US, suicide is a major cause of death but society still functions with relative stability and order (American Foundation for Su icide Prevention). Isolated cases do not determine the general state of the world.By failing to consider the consequences of actions for individuals Kant’s reasoning falls short by only drawing large-scale conclusions of the impact of motivations on humanity as a whole. The claim that Jane is treating her humanity as mere means to her end is false. Jane has lived her life as she has desired, deriving pleasure throughout the journey. As she nears the end, her pleasure begins to diminish and is overcome by the pain of her disease. Wanting to die before experiencing overwhelming pain is not a disregard for her life, instead, it is the preservation of the memory of a good life well lived.By wanting to die before her disease debilitates her, she maximizes the pleasures of life by avoiding pain. Furthermore, suicide does not represent a disregard for human rationality. Jane’s suicide is a triumph of human rationality. Because of reason, she is able to justify her decision to commit suicide by using the observation of her mother’s death as well as the medical facts that allow her to (1) know that she possess the gene that will give her the disease and (2) recognize the symptoms of Parkinson’s while determining how far the disease can progress without compromising her happiness.Analysis This section will offer an analysis of the arguments of both Kant and Mill in their ability to determine the morality of suicide. While it is important to recognize that Kant’s categorical imperative provides good reasoning promoting the preservation of life, the argument falls short in understanding the degree of personal suffering and the toll this suffering takes on an individual. The categorical imperative focuses on motives behind actions, but with an action such as suicide, where the end result is death, motives matter less than consequences.However, if the maxim under which Jane operates was stated as â€Å"Act in a way that promotes happiness and reduces pain†, both Kant and Mill may be satisfied. By this maxim, all the formulas stated above are valid and Mill’s principle of utility is satisfied. Autonomy lies at the heart of this dilemma and Mill’s response to Kant’s objections succeed in demonstrating that. Jane has valid reasons to commit suicide and because she is a rational agent, her reason must be respected.The utility calculation, as well as the concepts of direct and indirect harm, serve as valuable tools in drawing the conclusion that suicide is the morally correct action given Jane’s state of affairs. Works Cited Kant. â€Å"Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals . † (1785). Mill, J. S. â€Å"On Liberty. † (1859). Mill, J. S. â€Å"Utilitarianism. † (1861). Prevention, American Foundation for Suicide. Facts and Figures. 2012. 2012 .

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A dramatic way Essay

After the September 11, 2001 attack the civil aviation system of our nation was given a great deal of congressional attention. The Congress enacted the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA) on November 2001. The ATSA created the Transport Security Administration (TSA) within the Department of Transportation (DOT). The TSA was entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring security in aviation as well as other modes of transport. This agency hired a number of people for the deployment of both passengers and baggage. Explosives detection equipment was used to check the baggage. The agency is also working on the Computer-Assisted Passenger Prescreening System (CAPPS); this would use national security as well as commercial databases in order to identify passengers who could pose risk for additional screening. TSA also initiated a number of programs and research on the use of technology and information in order to advance security. The Transportation Workers Identification Card program is issued to airport workers after a background check has been conducted on them. Biometric indicators have been incorporated in them so that each worker can be positively matched to his or her credential. Though TSA takes pains to see that bombs and other threat items are not carried into the planes by the passengers on their self or in their baggage, areas such as the air cargo security, general aviation security and the airport perimeter security are still vulnerable, the air cargo is vulnerable as very little of the cargo on cargo and passenger planes are screened. Thus TSA has been advised to use a risk management approach to enhance and strengthen the air cargo security. Prior to September2001, screeners who were hired by the airlines very often failed to detect threat objects on passengers or in their carryon luggage. This could be because of insufficient training and a rapid turnover. In most of the airports the turnover exceeded 100 percent, the skilled and experienced screeners were few mainly because of low wages, few benefits and monotonous work. Moreover before September 2001 people entered the secure areas of airports, including the aircrafts as the limiting controls did not work as intended. TSA’s first and foremost responsibility was according to ATSA that of ensuring security in all modes of transportation. The security screening responsibility was also shifted to TSA. Some of the aviation security responsibility such as security of air traffic control and other computer systems remained with FAA. TSA worked to establish itself and worked at meeting the deadlines set forth by ATSA. TSA had 13 employees in January 2002. A year later it had 65,000 employees. TSA had met over 30 deadlines during 2002 to improve the aviation security. Racial profiling against the ‘young muslim male’ seems an awful idea and therefore it ought to be abolished. Still it is argued and even many minority police are of the opinion that it can be used as a statistical tool. It can be a cost effective way to tackle a certain problem e. g. most people committing X belong to Texas, then if there is a reliable way to identify people from Texas, it would certainly reduce the action X. Still it is not ethical even though police argue that they are not taking action based on any race but that they are using race as a factor to identify suspects. This is discrimination by race and religion and when such discrimination meets approval, we start heading down the slope. Besides this the practical problems are also to be met. It certainly antagonizes the group that is being profiled. The young muslim men in America would not like it and might even flare up, and it might irritate them so that they who might have helped in a terrorist investigation might just shrug their shoulders now. Moreover how many people would it affect? Numerous? Muslim looking men hail from Nigerians to Iranians to Indonesians. The muslims of Central Asia often resemble the Chinese and tree quarters of Arab Americans are Christians. It is also to be noted that even if racial profiling isn’t motivated by bigotry, over a period of time it is very likely to cause racial tension. The civilians would view all young Muslims males suspiciously, which would again inflame racial tensions. Therefore in order to preserve racial harmony an extra couple billion dollar get spent, for the security measure, it is still more worthwhile that creating disillusioned youngsters who in their anger might turn terrorists. Sources Jackson Brain A :Aptitude For Destruction: Organizational Learning in Terrorist Groups and its Implications for†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. Brower Jennifer L: The Terrorist Threat and its implications for sensor technologies, Prometheus Inc.Newport . RI02840, USA 3. www. wikipedia. org 4.. Kofi Annan, Secretary General, United Nations, Keynote address to the Closing Plenary of the International Summit on Democracy, Terrorism and Security March 10 2005 5. Joan Arehart –Treichel; Terrorists’ Motives Arise From Diverse Factors Psychiatric News March 18, 2005, Volume 40, Number 6 6. Lee Tien, Electronic Frontier Foundation Senior Counsel, Sep. 27, 2001 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 7. Jenkins, Brian Michael: Countering the New Terrorism (199

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Goldman Sach's Forecast for BRIC Economies Assignment

Goldman Sach's Forecast for BRIC Economies - Assignment Example 2000, p.42). In stark contrast to the position in the United States, the Japanese economic 'miracle' has been founded on principles completely alien to classic economic theory. Where the free play of market forces dictates vigorous competition, the Japanese economy is managed on the basis of consensus; where the Anglo-American model prescribes minimal government intervention, the Japanese economy flourished precisely because the state has intervened massively to safeguard domestic markets from foreign competition and to support the establishment, growth and export potential of key industry sectors, including the advanced technology sectors. If the break-up of the Soviet Union constitutes the most dramatic development of the post-Second World war era, arguably the most significant has been the gradual but steady evolution of the European integration (Anderson et al. 2000, p.62). The establishment of the European single market in January 1993 superseded the laws of the first 12 member states and it has been estimated that 60 million border-crossing regulations were abolished. As of 1996, the total 15 country GDP had increased by some $150 billion and employment rose by some 300,000-900,000 (Anderson et al. 2000, p.64). Unfortunately, as Goldman Sachs put it, these three of the world's largest economies may look quite differe... If things go right, in less than 40 years, the BRICs economies together could be larger than the G6 in US dollar terms. By 2025 they could account for over half the size of the G6. Of the current G6, only the US and Japan may be among the six largest economies in US dollar terms in 2050 (Wilson and Purushothaman 2003, p.1). This article briefly presents the implications BRIC countries have to face if they are to realize Goldman Sachs' prediction by 2050. this article will also deal on some of the BRICs' potential that would aid them to be the next economic superpowers. The Context of BRIC Countries Wilson and Purushothaman (2003, p.4) state that the progress of the BRICs will be critical to how the world economy evolves. If these economies can fulfill their potential for growth, they could become a dominant force in generating spending growth over the next few decades. Another characteristic of the BRIC countries' economic development is that generally their economic growth has fluctuated more strongly than has been the case for the developed countries. This tendency magnifies the significance of the BRIC countries to the global economy, since the fluctuations in their growth explain a relatively larger share of the global cyclical fluctuations than their economic weight would indicate (Jensen and Larsen 2004). Taking each of the BRIC economies briefly, the following are the implications that each country would experience if they are to attain the Goldman Sachs' prediction: Brazil. Over the next 50 years, Brazil's GDP growth rate will average by 3.6%. The size of Brazil's economy will overtake Italy by 2025; France by 2031; UK and Germany by

Friday, September 27, 2019

Representations of Freedom - Degas, David and Greuze Essay

Representations of Freedom - Degas, David and Greuze - Essay Example The essay "Representations of Freedom - Degas, David and Greuze" gives a review of paintings of Degas, David and Greuze. The paper also discovers familial representations of freedom in their works. Degas’ early works, which dealt with his own family members, showed that the matriarchal figure was in a state of repression due to the bourgeois class style in which they were living. In his later works, such as the brothel series, a freedom of individuality and family values were shown. The painting by Degas, Name Day of the Madam, shows a madam and her concubines looking towards her in ultimate respect, whereas in the familial paintings of his own family Degas’ showed that there was no respect given to the patriarch of the family. Degas used the brothel to show that even though the whores sold themselves for other people’s sexual desires, they are freer to act as a family, than the bourgeois families where the patriarch ruled with an iron fist. Furthermore, he also represented the fact that the bourgeois families act more like a forced business decision where discontent and discord is prevalent. Jaques-Louis David’s painting, The Sabine Women, shows that family life and values tended to be freeing themselves from the repression of antiquity. Thus, while working on the painting, he had stated to his students that his approach to his painting would be to hearken back to the Greek style and out of the repressive, constrictive style of the Romans. He, also, suggested the idea of paying an entry fee.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Don't really have one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Don't really have one - Essay Example All of this also happened to a man who is known to history as Frederick Douglass, the first black man to appear on a presidential ticket. In his early narrative Frederick Douglass: Life of an American Slave, the author details his early life and education in such a way that he illustrates both the dehumanizing effects of slavery as well as those factors that operated to inspire him to ‘become a man’ rather than remaining in the role of a slave. Douglass’s narrative begins with his earliest knowledge about himself, which is far less than most people’s knowledge and highlights the degree to which black people were considered beasts of the field. Douglass sadly informs the reader that he is uncertain of his age or the day he was born and, although his mother died when he was seven years old, he was relatively unaffected by the news as he had been separated from her since infancy. â€Å"Never having enjoyed, to any considerable extent, her soothing presence, her tender and watchful care, I received the tidings of [my mother’s] death with much the same emotions I should have probably felt at the death of a stranger† (Ch. 1). In highlighting this unnatural separation of mother and child, Douglass also points out that he never knew who his father was although there had been some rumors that he was a white man. However, the important element of these early chapters is the way in which the slave is creat ed from birth, separated from his family to destroy any natural human feelings of attachment and support and cruelly treated to keep him always in fear. By the time he was seven, he had learned of the death of his mother, watched his aunt brutally whipped and had taken his own place at work in the fields. He describes the life of the slave, illustrating its bestial level of survival existence and the types of behaviors they were expected to exhibit when they were in the presence of their masters. A turning point in the book

Global Communication Systems Referring to Walmart Assignment

Global Communication Systems Referring to Walmart - Assignment Example Croasdell et al., states that Walmart’s core goal is the provision of consumer goods at the lower process than their competitors, which it has managed to accomplish largely due to embracing technology. Technology has enabled Walmart to be a leading innovator in the retail industry. Global communication systems can be used to improve services offered by many departments of the company, ranging from customer service, distribution, management and sales (Croasdell et al., 2003). At Walmart, executives have adopted a communication system to enable them to supervise auxiliary staff in thousands of stores. Oral communication had been the norm at Walmart for many years, but with the globalization of the company and an increase in the number of stores, the need for adopting global communication systems was a necessity. It, therefore, led to the development of the six-channel satellite system, which is an integrated satellite communication network for easier communication between executives and lower level managers and employees. The features of the system include a video transmission network that is one way and a two-way data and voice system that allows the head office to relay information to Walmart stores all over the world. This global communication system is used for a variety of functions such as allowing management to oversee stores on a global front and even boosting staff morale to increase their sales. The main objective of this set up is to allow communication between the stores via an integrated satellite link that is voice and video enabled. The system allows for communication among Walmart stores and between the stores with the head office. According to Hollenbeck et al., the system has been instrumental in accessing customer reviews on their products and thus, enabling the head office to develop products that are up to the standards desired by customers all over the world. Additionally, the system has improved communication between top-tier management and staff in distant Walmart stores and essentially saving time and money. As a result, Walmart has been able to improve its efficiency levels through managing human capital appropriately.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Blending homemade juice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Blending homemade juice - Essay Example During peeling, hold the knife carefully and peel the fruit slowly ensuring that one does not peel off large chunks of the flesh besides avoiding injury to self. After peeling, cut the fruits into sizable pieces that will blend easily. The process is equally important since cutting expedites the blending process thus reducing the amount of power required to blend the fruits in the machine blender. Depending on the flavor that one strives to achieve, mixing different fruits is essential since it increases the nutrient contents of the juice. Mixing of the fruits in the blender is indiscriminate and depends on the creativity of an individual. Fill the blender to the brim before switching the machine on. Blending such large capacities of juice is economical since the blender runs once as opposed to blending small quantities at different times that would consume more power. Run the blending machine and wait for the blending process to complete. Most machines hum differently and even slow to a stop to signify the completion of the blending process. However, observe the blending jar to observe the chances as the fruits turn into fluid juices. Turn off the machine and sieve the juice into a clean jug. Sieving helps eliminate fibers. However, health practitioners encourage the consumption of the fibers since they enhance digestion. After sieving, the fruit juice is ready consumption. The above process is exciting and engaging. However, just as any other process people must exercise caution in handling such sharp objects as knives and the electric equipment in order to minimize the risk of electrocution. Additionally, blending is a process that results in the creation of food products. This implies that people must maintain high standards of cleanliness in order to prevent the contamination of juices. Wash both the blender and he fruits before the blending process.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Goodman Fielder's strategic market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Goodman Fielder's strategic market - Essay Example One of the major effects of globalization is the increasing demand for products to meet humanity's needs. This globalized environment is such that for companies to remain competitive they must remain vigilant in response to the changing nature of consumer needs. In regards to Goodman Fielder, these tenants hold penetratingly true, as they strive towards success with the development of a unique rice cracker. Prior research speaks to product demand in these regards. This is pivotal research as it involves product differentiation that creates customer loyalty and the product's overall market value. While product sales are a pivotal aspect of the intentions, developing customer loyalty through producing the product at the most advantageous juncture of quality and value is another core concern. The appendixes include estimates in regards to consumer preferences. These estimates are part of a study that utilizes consumers between ages 25-35. After establishing product differentiation, it's also necessary to consider that Goodman Fielder must remain consistently vigilant to ensure their continued market relevance. Ultimately, recommendations are advanced that explore the product's main value and the current market opportunities for incoming companies. These recommendations constitute the final device to gauge and ensure market success and product viability. In terms of Goodman Fielder, the market outlook is positive for their rice cracker product. Goodman Fielder has become one of the potential firms situated in the distribution of the commodities.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Creative Thinking and Problem Solving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Creative Thinking and Problem Solving - Essay Example tradictions or contraries, when in fact they are not, is the common fallacy of false dilemma--so called because the "dilemma," or hard choice between two options, is "false," because other options than the two offered are possible. This fallacy is also known as the "either-or fallacy" because it makes you think that your options are limited to either one or the other† (San Jose State University, n.d.). The proposed solution for one dilemma, particularly the one offering teachers only two choices: either to support the English only law or to leave their jobs are as follows: (1) to strictly adhere to the English only law, as indicated; (2) do not follow this law and suffer the consequences of losing their jobs; (3) if teachers lose their jobs due to non-conformity to the law, they could always seek possible remunerations as provided through the legal procedures citing violations of the Equal Employment Opportunities Law and civil rights violations. In this regard, they would real ize that this is a false dilemma and that there are other options besides the two that were

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How atmosphere is created in Victorian ghost stories Essay Example for Free

How atmosphere is created in Victorian ghost stories Essay Discuss and compare how atmosphere is created in three Victorian ghost stories Atmosphere is created in Victorian ghost stories by using a few main factors- -Characters -figurative language -setting -themes -Era (period of time) The majority of Victorian ghost authors use these factors because they are best to create atmosphere in any story, i.e. for a theme you can use fear, and for a setting you can use an old abandoned mansion, a story can easily be set around this because the two factors fit together as the same genre. The first author that will be used as an example will be using as an example will be Charles Dickens, he was born in 1812, He had a marvellous photographic memory which helped him base some of his characters on people he had met earlier on in his life. The story I will be focusing on by dickens will be THE SIGNALMAN, this story is a good choice because its atmosphere is built up as soon as you read the story, THE SIGNALMAN is being narrated by the gentleman in the story, he is a means for creating atmosphere because he puts in a first person perspective, he gives opinion and tells you what the scenery looks like, characters are almost a part of the setting, they create a mood, for example the protagonist in the story spends most of his time learning from the signalman- how I ought to act, having become the recipient of this disclosure? I had proved the man to be intelligent, vigilant, painstaking, and exact, at first the protagonist sees the signalman to be a solitary, ghost of a man, but getting to know him, he sees him as a man waiting for something to come (this is now figurative language), what the author is trying to tell you is that he is not waiting to change the train track, but is waiting for the warning (or signal) towards his death. One of the themes is either death or hell, for example, in the start the signalman was shocked when the narrator yells at him halloa, below there, the signalman thinks that the protagonist is a ghost (the signal man is waiting for death). A quote that can support the theme of hell is: just then there came a vague vibration of the earth and air, quickly changed into a violent pulsation and an oncoming rush that caused me to start back, this shows that this character is not use to trains (most likely because of the era (period of time) , in which trains are relatively new and many people are scared of them), he may find them monstrous, figuratively, the ground quivering and the protagonist going down into the trench may possibly mean the earth is opening, and he is descending into hell. The era (period of time) also helps with the building of the atmosphere for the reason that the story is set around trains, and in Victorian times the general public were scared of trains which would add to the eeriness of the account being told. The author will use characters as a tool to build atmosphere by explaining what he or she looks like, how they act and what they do, for example, And drawing nearer to him, saw that he was a dark sallow man with a dark beard and rather heavy eyebrows, the narrator is describing the signalman as a person who does not interact with others and as if he is already dead because of his pale skin, deep voice, and in another part of the story he is described as having an infection of the mind, adding to the theme of death. The setting in the signalman is dim and creepy, this is explained by the protagonist, down in the deep trench, and mine was so high above him, so steeped in the angry sunset, the trench described in this quote is intended to represent the protagonist on earth, looking down into his grave, it could be that the point of the story is to represent the protagonist death. The next Victorian ghost author that will be used is Abraham stoker (Bram stoker); he is best known as the creator of the fictional character Count Dracula. The story which will be used is THE JUDGES HOUSE. One of the themes in this story is fear, this is mainly created by using setting and characters, for example, the protagonist, Malcolm Malcolmson needs a place of solitude to do his scientific research and so he finds an old shambling, heavy built house of Jacobean style , with heavy gables and windows, set higher than normal, customary houses he finds the perfect house for his research, this is also the perfect house to build suspense, horror and the theme, fear. This particular story brings different eras(periods of time) to it because the house that malcolmson takes residency in has a history, as malcolmson asks to stay in the house to the landlady, she replies not in the judges house!, she said, and grew pale as she spoke the abode of the judge who was held in great terror because of the harsh sentences and his hostility towards the prisoners at assizes, this makes the plot, and in turn it creates a negative atmosphere towards the house. This quote can also explain how the characters create atmosphere by use of their language , another example of this would be mercy on us, said Ms. Witham an old devil, and sitting on a chair by the fireside , take care sir, take care, Ms. Witham the woman speaking, sounds as if she is nervous just talking about the judge. In this story a setting can also represent a character i.e. the rats are meant to represent the judge, because it keeps catching the attention of malcolmson, he raised a book in his right hand and taking careful aim, flung it at the rat, it sprang aside like a missile, he took another book and repeated his action, and a third, until he had only one book left, the rat squeaked and seemed afraid, malcolmson more eager to strike, the book flew with a resounding blow. The book that hit the rat was the bible, usually in any Victorian ghost story the protagonist will have to use a religious object to get rid of the villain, i.e. in Bram stokers Dracula the protagonist (van Helsing) uses a cross to fend Dracula. So the rat (the judge) will have to be scared of the bible. The rats are also meant to representing the judges evil spreading like a plague, and ruining everybodys lives around it. The last author that will be used to answer the question is Herbert George wells (h.g wells) he was a Victorian sci-fi writer most famous for his novel war of the worlds. The story he wrote that will be used is the THE RED ROOM. This will give good examples of how atmosphere is created by using characters; in the beginning of the story there is a conversation between the protagonist and the pensioners, the pensioners help create atmosphere because they are all somehow crippled, for example, its your own choosing, said the man with the withered arm once more a second old man entered, more bent, more wrinkled, more aged than the first. The reason these characters are like this is because they keep having to lecture the protagonist about not going to the red room, he wont listen because no one would like to believe two senile old pensioners over their own opinion. The setting of the red room is a slightly different to other ghost stories because it is less secluded (there are more characters in the key building). It seems bizarre that the antagonist would only appear when a character is alone, as if it is shy: as I stood undecided, an invisible hand seemed to sweep out the two candles on the table, with a cry of terror I dashed to the alcove. The example of era (period in time) that happens in the story is more of a thought than it being existent: an older age when things spiritual were indeed to be feared, when common sense was uncommon, an age, when omens and witches were credible, and ghost beyond denying. This creates an Atmosphere of wickedness because it reminds you of the period in which everything was religious (religion can get rid of evil) and the church led the public to be against witches, demons and the devil. In all three of the stories there will be a person(s) who has experienced or witnessed the horrors that have happened before, they create atmosphere by giving the story a history.` Conclusion: Atmosphere is created in Victorian ghost stories by using some of the factors said before -Era (period of time) -Theme -Characters -Setting These factors are HOW atmosphere is created in these three Victorian ghost stories because they are best to put what is needed for a ghost story in the plot: suspense, history, death and a mystery to be solved.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Faculty Of Hospitality Management Tourism Essay

Faculty Of Hospitality Management Tourism Essay Based on the problem statement and research questions, questionnaires will be distributed to respondents of 100 local tourists and 100 international tourists participating in the Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme using non probability, convenience sampling method. Results that will be obtained based on local and international tourists satisfaction participating on the marketing mix of the Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme will be determined. Homestay programme was first introduced back in 1970s in Kampung Cherating Lama, Pahang. The founder of such accommodation was famously known as Mak Long. Types of basic accommodation Mak Long has provided for the guests during those days consist both breakfast and dinner and served at home (Amran, 2008). It is believed that in the late 1980s, the homestay programme then has been transformed into Japanese youth stay where they learned the rural way of life of the locals (Ibrahim and Razzaq,n.d. ) . (Kalsom and Ashikin, 2006) homestay programme in Malaysia was introduced in 1988 by the formerly known as Ministy of Culture, Arts and Tourism Malaysia later known as Ministry Tourism of Malaysia. Today, homestay programme in Malaysian context is defined as the rural-cultural- community based tourism product (The Star, 2009) and is seen to have potential in providing income and employment for the rural community as a whole. Thus, as stated under the Ninth Malaysian Plan, an amount of RM 40 million allocated to the Ministry of Tourism to upgrade infrastructures needed in the rural areas (Ibrahim and Razzaq,n.d.). (Ninth Malaysian Plan, 2006-2010) the governments priority is on development of rural communities and two strategies undertaken include minimizing the obvious gap in income between the rural and urban areas. As stated by the Ministry of Tourism Malaysia (2010) Until May 2010, a total of 227 villages and 2984 participants registered under Ministry of Tourism Malaysia. 1 1.1) Background of study: Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme It was believed that Santubong was once famous for its trade and this information is backed up by the remnants of English, Hindu and Chinese influence here. Based on the claim made by the local community of Santubong, Santubong was originally known as Kampung Teluk Pasir Putih (White Sandy Bay Village) as given by the Chinese settlers trading at the time. The most unique feature of the legendary mount Santubong is the womanly figure lying on her side (Sarawak Museum). Santubong is considered as the largest archaeological site in Malaysia compared to Lembah Bujang in Peninsular Malaysia due to thousands of ceramic together with 40,000 tonnes of iron were found in 1947 by curator, Tom Harrison (1947-1966) . This place was believed to be important area for merchants and iron mining from eleventh to thirteen century. Santubong Village, a Malay fishing village strategically located at the river mouth of the Sarawak with the legendary mount Santubong as the backdrop makes this village a unique one. About 40 minutes drive from the Kuching city centre to reach Santubong Village, this Santubong village is rich with famous landmarks that can be found around the village. Popular list among tourists are the mysterious Sultan Tengah Tomb (First and the last Sarawak Sultan), the Legendary Mount Santubong surrounded by myths. Other historic landmarks that exist until today are the James Brooke Bungalow. The very famous history marked here as well where Wallace the famous scientist penned his theory on speciation and biography here, Batu Buaya (Curse crocodile stone), Teluk Sepang (Raden Merpati landed in Santubong), Bongkisam (An old iron mine), Batu Gambar (Pictorial Rock) and Pulau Kera (Monkey Island). (Source: Sarawak Museum,n.d.). 2 1.2) Problem statement There have been several researches done previously on the benefits and positive contribution through the homestay programme. However, this study will focus on determining the effectiveness of each components of marketing mix such as product, price, place and promotion by Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme against tourist satisfaction. 1.3) Research objectives The objective of the study is to determine the effectiveness of each components of marketing mix such as product, price, place and promotion against tourist satisfaction are as follows:- To determine tourist satisfaction against product in Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme. To determine tourist satisfaction against price offered by Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme. To determine tourist satisfaction against promotional strategy offered by Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme. To determine tourist satisfaction against the place in which Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme is located. 3 1.4) Research Questions How effective are the components of marketing mix used by Kampung Santubong homestay programme against tourist satisfaction. The traditional components of marketing mix in are as follows:- How to determine tourist satisfaction against product in Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme? How to determine tourist satisfaction against price offered against promotional strategy offered by Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme? How to determine tourist satisfaction against the promotional strategy offered by Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme? How to determine tourist satisfaction against the place in which Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme located? 1.5) Scope of Study This research is undertaken to determine the effectiveness of each components of marketing mix such as product, price, place and promotion by the Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme against tourist satisfaction. This research of study will mainly focus at the Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme located at Santubong, Kuching Sarawak. 4 1.6) Limitation of Research 1.6.1)Insufficient resources Insufficient resources due to lack of relevant previous researches done through online scholarly journals. Most online journals are on payment basis and only few free articles or journals available online. 1.6.2) Time constraint Limited time to conduct research since distribution of questionnaires in targeted area falls during the month of Ramadhan, the fasting month for the Muslims and also on the festive month, Hari Raya. Some of the local community participated in the Santubong Homestay Programme may not have time to entertain guests. 1.6.3) Tourist Tourists participation response to the questionnaires distributed may vary. Some tourists may be willing to participate in this research and some may not. 1.6.4) Seasonal factor Due to the nature of product of homestay programme, during low season, number of tourists participating in the homestay programme may be affected. 5 1.7) Significance of Study This study help in contributing valuable information to all homestay operators in Kuching on the influence of tourist satisfaction against the marketing mix adopted by homestay programmes in order to enhance homestay programmes in the future. In fact, using tourists satisfaction as a tool to determine on the elements of the marketing mix such as the product, price, promotion and place can benefit homestay operators on providing the best homestay product/ service by differentiating themselves from each other, hence, the sense of uniqueness to attract more tourists in participating in the homestay programme especially in throughout Kuching. 6 Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1) Definition of terms 2.1.1) Homestay Programme The term homestay programmes are varied in different parts of the world thus, according to Barke (2004) In defining the term homestay programme, there is no single accepted definition in the International studies. Lane (1994) stated homestay as a rural community based tourism product, hence falls under rural tourism category. 2.1.2) Tourist satisfaction Tourist satisfaction is defined as (Klaus,1985,pg 21) the accumulated experience of a customers purchase and experiences 2.1.3) Marketing mix (Perreault, Jr.and McCarthy, 2004, pg38) marketing variables are separated into product, price, promotion and price leads to an easy formulation of marketing strategy. 7 2.2) Homestay Programme (Akbar, Bael, Hassan Baguley, 2003) homestay programme in Australia is the type of accommodation for international students to reside in and is believed to help them with culture adaptation. Homestay is comparable to bed and breakfasts and more affordable compared to rental type accommodation (Akbar, Bael, Hassan, Baguley, 2003). In Malaysia context of homestay programme natural setting, Both (Kalsom, 2009; and Tourism Government, 2008) mentioned homestay programme takes place in a kampung or village setting where guests have the opportunity to live together in the same house with their adopted families and learn the traditional way of lives of the host family. (Kalsom, 2009) added Malaysia homestay programme differed from other type of homestay programme where host-tourists participation is emphasized through involvement in local activities. (Tourism Government, 2008) homestay programme in Malaysia is owned by homestay operators that are granted with a license to participate in the homestay programme. Meaning to say, not all home owners have the privilege to take part in this homestay unless they abide to a list of criteria established by the Ministry of Tourism for all participating homestay operators. The list of criterions pertaining to hygiene, criminal record, clean toilet, adequate number of accommodation in terms of separate bedrooms, accessibility to main road and no communicable disease are highly regarded. Generally, homestay development policy in Malaysia is aimed to fully utilized natural resources at kampung level, conservation of the socio cultural and artistic customs of the village as well as its uniqueness. However, there are several evidence clearly shows that there are similarities in some elements of the homestay programme. For example, the homestay programmes in countries like Australia, Malaysia, and Kwam Emakana community in South Africa stated that the culture exchange between the host and the guests does exist through accommodation provided by the host family. 8 This cultural exchange is emphasizing through host-guest participation on local activities, local food and customs. Similar to the Malaysian context of homestay, the Kwam Emakana community also takes part in the community based tourism homestay where it takes place in a rural / village setting. However, not all homestay accommodation of the Kwam Emakana exists in the rural setting since they also provide township accommodation with private homes (Kwam Emakana Community Based Homestay Initiative in South Africa, 2010; pg 152). According to the World Tourism Organization projections cites in (African Business, 2010), homestay programme gains its popularity may drive by the need to find cheaper accommodation and involving holidays from the travellers part. In order to have a direct experience of the host culture, guests expected the homestay accommodation including the food and local activities as it is. (Solomon Mburu, African Business, 2010). 2.3) Tourist satisfaction In tourism, satisfaction is evaluated based on the characteristics of tourism offers and respondents are typically evaluated through satisfaction scale (Kozak, 2001). (Fuchs Weiermair (2003) destination attributes are correlated to a variable measuring total customer (tourists) satisfaction resulting in more valid managerial implications. According to (Zeithaml et al . . .) cited by (Pawitra and Tan, 2003) tourism in nature is different from other area of services, thus there is a need for tourism industry to used SERVQUAL to measure tourist satisfaction for a destination. 9 (Kozak and Rimmington, 2000) tourist satisfaction are greatly affected by the tourist motivation to purchasing, consumption and services related to tourism offers. In addition, tourist satisfaction considered as an effective tool in homestay tourism and helped marketers in tourism product positioning (Seubsamarn and Cho, 2009).There was research being done on the relationship between quality, satisfaction, previous experience and loyalty (Baker and Crompton, 2000; Bignee et al., 2001;Pritchard, 2003. Petrick, 2004b; Yoon and Uysal, 2005; Um et al., 2006). Perceived quality leads to consumer satisfaction, thus enhance promotion of the destination through word of mouth and repeat purchase (Brady and Robertson, 2001). This statement agreed also by (Bignee et al. (2001) destinations image is a major key related to quality, satisfaction, and tourists motivation repeat purchase. (Yoon and Uysal, 2005) shows the difference tourists motivation that needs to be applied in multiple dimensions via integrated approaches and the complex nature of satisfaction as well as the theories of measuring satisfaction. 2.4) Elements of the Marketing Mix (4Ps) The traditional definition of marketing mix which consists of 4Ps was proposed by E. Jerome McCarthy (1960). Its elements namely; the product, price, promotion and place have been used extensively by marketers all over the world (, 2012). Kannan and Srinivasan (2009) implied the marketing mix for any service industry usually comprises of 8ps, where four adopted from the traditional marketing mix and the later are process, physical evidence, people, and productivity. The first element of marketing mix is the product. In a homestay programme context, what drives tourists to flock to any destination as stated by Maimunah and Abdul Rahim (2009) cited in (Ibrahim and Razzaq,n.d. ) The motivation factor of the tourists to visit a particular destination is mainly for the product or attractions. 10 The products mentioned referred to the supplementary attractions such as the natural resources like nature and habitat of the village setting has to offer, vernacular architecture, traditional delicacies and beverages, arts and crafts, music and cultural activities, historical significance, agricultural activities and special phenomena. Hence, tourism product / service usually have direct impact on tourist satisfaction. In a service context, a need satisfying only emerged gradually for the customer throughout the consumption process. Meaning to say, a service is seen as a process that leads to an outcome during partly simultaneous production and consumption processes (Gronroos, 2001). In the context of tourism product which usually related with the service, Ferrell (2005) product is the core of the marketing mix strategy and thus, stockholders involved in the making and production of the tourism product can easily manipulate those products and come up with more unique features in the effort to distinguish themselves from competitors. Same goes to the homestay programme packages offered by stockholders involved such homestay operators of Kampung Santubong with the help of tour operators that bringing in the tourists to the village and active promotion and grants by the Malaysia Tourism Ministry (Ministry of Tourism Malaysia, 2011). In contrary, this has not always been the case. According to Seaton and Bennett (1996) and Butler and Hall (1998), one of the main issues that are faced by most tourism destinations is the difficulty to distinguish themselves from each other. Technically, most of the tourism product / services offered by these tourism destination operators are similar which by all means they might have lost their sense of uniqueness especially in the eyes of the tourists, their target market (Garrod,Wornell,Youell,Garrod et al. , 2006). 11 Referring back to the product, since tourism product / service are categorized as services marketing, there is a need to differentiate tourism marketing when compared to other services (Lovelock). In this sense, The differences between tourism marketing and other type of services include: the nature of the tourism product itself where it emphasizes on providing recreational experience and hospitality to tourists, tourists must travel in order to consume the tourism product/ service thus making the elements of time and money spent to travel affect tourists travel decisions (Kannan and Srinivasan, 2009). This similar approach also agreed by Seaton and Bennett (1996) whereby tourism product does not permitted the target market which is the tourist to try the tourism product / service before purchasing. In addition to the issue pertaining to the nature of tourism product / service, as implied by Parasuraman et al. (1985); and Schiffman and Kanuk (2000), the nature of tourism product als o may influence the perspective of the consumer,the tourists on the service quality. Promotion is defined as all the methods of communications used by the marketer in order to transfer information about certain product or a service. The methods are sales promotion, advertising, personal selling and public relations (, 2012). These methods of promotion are relatively different from each other. Advertising is different compared to public relations because an individual or an institution need to pay for their stories to be advertised is it in the internet, newspaper or television. Public relations are commonly used as a medium for promotional strategy. Such example of PR was the launching of Misompuru Homestay Packages with MASWings by the Federal Tourism Minister, Dato Eng Yen Yen (Daily Express, 2012). It is up to the stakeholders involved on how to promote the destination image in which the homestay programme setting lies. Tourism Malaysia (2010b) is continuously promoting the homestay programme various local activities happening in different homestay pr ogramme operators throughout Malaysia (Jamaludin, Othman and Awang, 2010). 12 According to Ministry of Tourism Malaysia (2011), Homestay Programme is an experience where tourists stay with selected families, interact and experience, the daily life of these families as well as experiencing Malaysian culture.Thus, potential tourists that are keen to participate in the Malaysian version of a homestay programme can easily browse through the official Malaysia Homestay Website: . Information on sales promotion of homestay packages is available there as well (Ministry of Tourism Malaysia, 2011). Other example of the latest promotion effort by the Tourism Malaysia with is the Homestay Rail, as stated by the director of the agency from Singapore, Zalizam Zakaria (News Straight Times, 2012). This Homestay Rail will attract mainly students and senior citizens from Singapore to participate in the homestays located along the journey between Johor Bharu and the east coast (News Straight Times, 2012). When it comes to promoting the tourism product such as homestay programme, the destination image plays an important role in promoting the tourism product / services in this case, the homestay programme. The definition of destination image are agreed by both Buhalis (2000) ; Baloglu and McCleary (1999) in which perceptions of any destination held in the minds of tourists. According to Chon (1992) ; Baloglou and Bringmerg (1997) cited in Buhalis (2000) Before people go to a destination they develop the image and a set of expectations based on previous experience, word of mouth, press reports, advertising and common beliefs (JobTrust Incorporated, 2007-2012). However, this will not always seem to be the case, Weirmair and Fuchs (1999) mentioned Destinations could change their advertising strategies. Advertisement could either emphasise the service process characteristics of its tourism and related cultures by focussing on tourists experiences within the destination (Munar, n.d.). 13 Price refers to the amount a customer is willing to pay for the product or service in relation to tourism services context. The price offered for the product / service must complements other elements of marketing mix in order since it will determine whether the profits are favourable which is important for the business survival (, 2012). According to Ministry Tourism of Malaysia (2011), the basic cost of spending on homestay packages range from Ringgit Malaysia 150 250 inclusive of meals, accommodation, and activities, depending on the activities offered in various homestay programme operators throughout Malaysia. In addition, all cost related information to homestay packages offered from various homestay operators are accessible through the official Malaysian Homestay website, Place is where the product / service is provided by individual or institution to the customer and the place must be accessible and convenient to the customers. Place is also commonly referred to distribution (, 2012). According to Uysal, Chen and Williams (2000) to build a positive destination image in the minds of tourists was not an easy job and served as marketing challenges for stockholders involved. 14 2.5) Theoretical Framework Tourists Satisfaction Marketing mix (4Ps) Product Price Promotion Place 15 CHAPTER 3: Research Design and Methodology 3.1) Definition of research design (Micheal. S.Carriger, 2000) stated research design can be seen as as common sense and clear thinking for the management of research to come up with effective strategy in conducting a reaserch. 3.2) Sampling Research sample is a group of people chosen from the sampling frame by representing the whole population of study (, 2012). According to Uma Sekaran (2000), a sample size is a subset of a population being studied and only some elements of the population are treated as the sample. 3.2.1) Population According to Uma Sekaran (2000), Population is defined as the entire group of people, events, or things of interest that the researcher wishes to investigate. As also stated by Joan Joseph Castillo (2009) Research population is generally a large collection of individuals or objects that is the main focus of a scientific query. The target population for this research is local and international tourists visiting Kuching, Sarawak. 3.2.2) Sample frame A sample frame is referred to the list consisting of the units of the population (MBA Official, 2010). Also stated in (, 2012) sample frame may include the individuals, households or institutions which related the population. The sample frame of research is of local and international tourists who are participating in the Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme. 16 3.2.3) Sampling design Non probability, convenience sampling method will be used for this research. Convenience sampling involved collecting information from members of the population who are conveniently available provide to it (Sekaran, 2000). Thus, both the local and international tourists who are most available or most conveniently selected will be asked through questionnaires. 3.2.4) Sample size A sample size of 200 respondents of both local and international tourists from a convenience sampling method is to be selected on the basis of this research. 3.3) Instrument for the research These questionnaires are divided into three sections: Section A : List of personal data questions on demographic of tourist will be asked as closed ended questions with using ordinal scale. Section B: Pertaining to the marketing mix of Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme against tourist satisfaction. Using Likert scale closed ended questions consists of Strongly disagree, neutral (either agree or disagree), agree, strongly agree. Section C: Open-ended questions mainly on recommendations or improvements of the Kampung Santubong Homestay marketing mix will be asked. 17 3.4) Data Collection Method Questionnaire as referred to (2012) a research instrument represents by sets of questions for the purpose of gathering the data relevant to the study of research. Questionnaires are to be distributed in a form of survey form to local and international tourists who participating in the Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme, According to ( ) questionnaires are a list of a research or survey questions asked to respondents and designed to extract specific information. Questionnaires are to be distributed to the local and international tourists who are participating and had participated in the Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme and local community of Kampung Santubong Both primary and secondary data are used in conducting this study. Primary data as mentioned by Karuna (2012) are referred to raw and original materials collected by the investigator which relatively expensive and time consuming as compared to secondary data. Karuna (2012) stated secondary data on the other hand lacks of originality (Preserve, 2012). Primary data is data collected by the researcher to collect quantitative methods while secondary data referred to as data obtained from sources which are already available such as literature, industry surveys, compilations . . . (, 2000). Analysis of Data 3.5.1) Spss The first version of SPSS (Statistical Package For Social Science) was released in 1968 and was developed by (Norman H, Nie and C. Hadlai Hull (, 2012). It is used by every organisation such as government, marketing establishements. 18 3.5.2) Pilot test Pilot study will be conducted earlier to test the reliability and validity of the questionnaires. According to Julie Stachowiak (2008) pilot study is defined as a smaller version of a large study that is conducted to prepare for that study. It is also used as a tool to test an idea or hypothesis. 3.5.3) Reliability test Reliability of a measure indicates the extent to which the measure is without bias and offers consistent measurement across time and other items related in the intruement.(Sekaran, 2001) 3.5.4) Hypothesis statement H1: Tourists are satisfied with the product of Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme. H2: Tourists are satisfied with the price of Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme. H3: Tourists are satisfied with the promotion of Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme. H4: Tourists are satisfied with the place of Kampung Santubong Homestay Programme. 19

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Flourishing in Video Games: The Improvements of Child Development throu

This paper defines human flourishing as living a life of optimal functioning based upon positive productivity. What productivity is, in this sense, is undefined; leading myself to gleam from personal experience what society purports it to be. Common answers involve actions, such as working and social interaction. Self-centered hobbies, such as video games, are often left out, viewed as promoting little towards productivity and its assumed benefits. This produces tension through what is commonly considered to be positively productive towards flourishing, and a growing medium, with children especially, which proposes enjoyment through technological solitude. From this, I wonder if optimal functioning is only attainable through traditional methods of productivity as compared to the passivity gaming is perceived to promote. This paper aims to examine these claims closely in adolescents, for if a large majority turns towards video games as an extracurricular, I write it can be concluded t hat there is an aspect increasing their happiness. The truth of this shall be evaluated in this paper, lending to the larger topic of what promotes psychological happiness and optimal human functioning. Knowledge around the effects of video games produces agreement that games do not always hinder, providing benefits in developmental child growth at some points. Shelley L. Gable and Jonathan Haidt state a need to focus on psychological aspects providing benefits to mental health rather than what detracts (105-107), which I relate to popular views of most games as an unhealthy medium. Cheryl K. Olson fulfills this need, drawing upon research to examine what influences children to play video games, and its positive effects, such as creating self-developme... ...d Consequences. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006. 363-378. Web. 10 March 2014. Fredrickson, Barbara L. and Michael F. Losada. "Positive Affect and the Complex Dynamics of Human Flourishing." American Psychologist 60.7 (2005): 678-686. Web. 10 Jan. 2014. Gable, Shelley L. and Jonathan Haidt. "What (and Why) Is Positive Psychology?" Review of General Psychology 9.2 (2006): 103-110. Web. 10 Jan. 2014. Li, DongDong, Albert Liau and Angeline Khoo. "Examining the Influence of Actual-Ideal Self-Discrepancies, Depression, and Escapism, on Pathological Gaming Among Massively Multiplayer Online Adolescent Gamers." Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 14.9 (2011): 535-539. Web. 13 Feb. 2014. Olson, Cheryl K. "Children’s Motivations for Video Game Play in the Context of Normal Development ." Review of General Psychology 14.2 (2010): 180-187. 10 March 2014.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Symbolism in Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay -- Literary Analysis

In Zora Neale Hurston’s novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, she utilizes an array of symbolism such as color, the store, and her husbands to solidify the overall theme of independence and individuality. Their Eyes Were Watching God is considered by many a classic American Feminist piece that emphasizes how life was for African Americans post slave era in the early 1900s. One source summarizes the story as, 1 †a woman's quest for fulfillment and liberation in a society where women are objects to be used for physical work and pleasure.† Which is why the overall theme is concurrent to independence and self. The first way the author uses symbolism to show the overall theme is with color. Numerous times in the novel Janie is wearing a different color ostentatiously depending on what is taking place. Although the message is oblique, most can find meaning behind it. Starting in the first chapter the color Blue is mentioned. â€Å" †¦ Where's dat blue satin dress she left here in?† (pg.2) This is the beginning where Janie is coming back with nothing and the towns women are gossiping about her status and appearance. Even later the author shows that she wears blue because of Tea Cake, â€Å"Wait till you see de new blue satin Tea Cake done picked out for me tuh stand up with him in.† (pg. 115) Traditionally the color blue represents 2 depth and stability. It can also symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. From early on Hurston is indicating that Janie will be some of those traits and through out the novel the reader realizes that Janie is actually loyal, stable,wise, and confident after she is introduced to Tea Cake. The next color the author uses is white. When Janie and Jody are about to build ... ...James Robert Saunders, "Womanism as the Key to Understanding Zora Neale Hurston's `Their Eyes Were Watching God' and Alice Walker's `The Color Purple'," in The Hollins Critic, Vol. XXV, No. 4, October, 1988, pp. 1-11. Reproduced by permission. 1. c.Robert E. Hemenway, in his  Zora Neale Hurston: A Literary Biography, University of Illinois Press, 1977, 371 p. 2. "Color Wheel Pro: Color Meaning." Color Wheel Pro: See Color Theory in Action! Color Wheel, 22 Jan. 2001. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. . 3. Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 51: Afro-American Writers from the Harlem Renaissance to 1940. A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book. Edited by Trudier Harris, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Gale Group, 1987. pp. 133-145. 4. Hurston, Zora Neal. Their Eyes Were Watching God. New York: Harper Collins, 1937. Print.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Church And State :: essays research papers fc

Church and State The theory of evolution is at odds with the views of many religions, and many people want to allow a religious view of creationism to be taught in the public school system. The foundation of evolution is based upon the belief that the origin of all ordered complex systems, including living creatures, can be explained by natural laws without the initiation or intervention of God. A person who believes in the biblical model of creation is viewed by some non- believers as a naive, narrow-minded religious fanatic who is not willing to look at the observable evidence with an open mind. Because the evolutionary idea of origins has been so widely accepted by the scientific community, many people have reasoned that the creation model should be completely rejected without fairly examining its claims. Even many Christians who have deep trust and faith in the Bible have never really understood the claims of the creation account (McLean 11). Over the past several years, a great deal of controversy surrounding the creation-evolution issue has been generated by scientists who have based their claims on the creation model and have been willing to let their reputations stand. Creationists have openly requested that when the discussion of origins occurs in the public school system, both the model of creation and evolution be presented side by side. Initially, scientists and educators who have accepted the theory of evolution without question were reluctant to pay any serious attention to creationism; however, it has now become apparent that substantial numbers of people are taking creationism seriously. Many evolutionists view this trend as a serious threat to the advancement of science and have vowed to do everything in their power to stop the teaching of creation in the public school system. Most evolutionists now view creationism as nothing more than a particular version of fundamentalist Christianity with no valid scientific content. One hundred-fifty years ago such a theory for the origin and history of the earth and life would have been termed absurd. Today, however, those who reject the idea of random evolutionary processes being responsible for designing life and shaping the geological features of the earth are termed religious, unscientific fanatics. Today, throughout the industrialized world, the moment children are able to respond to their environment, they are constantly bombarded with the doctrine of evolution. Faith in the biblical concept of creation by the hand of God is ridiculed and rejected by the secular system of education. Humanistic thinking widely accepts evolution as fact, even though "The all-too frequent picture of evolution as a progression from ameba to man, is, and always has been, utterly

Compensation Consultants Essay

Compensation consultants are now becoming a popular tool to assist company in managing their compensation program and corporate governance strategies. However, there are both pros and cons in using compensation consultants. On one hand, there are some clear benefits; firstly, compensation consultants can provide expert knowledge, for example, insight and advice on trends in executive compensation, an assessment of executive compensation relative to executive performance; and insight and advice on the level and mix of pay and benefits (Conyon, 2007). Although, compensation consultants are viewed as external third parties providing solutions of optimal efficient managerial compensation contracts to align the benefits of both the employee and employer in the most fair and unbiased way. They have the ability to help the firm maximize shareholder’s value by designing compensation schemes that more closely align the interests of managers with shareholders since they can bring breadth and depth of experienced from handling similar problems and benchmarking comparable (peer group) firms especially when there is high information asymmetry between different parties. Other benefits include cost reduction in recruiting/rewarding process and efficient allocation of resources by taking the tasks away from human resource, compensation committee and shareholders who may not have the knowledge and experience in determining senior executive pay package. On the other hand, there are some drawbacks in hiring compensation consultants. Firstly, compensation consultants face potential conflicts of interest that can lead to higher recommended levels of CEO pay, including the desires to cross-sell services and to secure repeat business. Evidence shows that US CEOs receive about 18% more total compensation, and Canadian CEOs receive about 33% more, when their executive compensation consultant also provides other services to the firm (Murphy & Sandino, 2010). They are more likely to help executives by pushing for higher compensations in hope of being rewarded with more consultants services with the company as such firms that hire compensation consultants are more likely to have higher CEO compensation levels than those that have not hired a consultant (Voulgaris, et al. 2010) (Goh & Gupta, 2010). However, contrary to the study of Murphy & Sandino 2010, some scholars found that the potential conflict of interest between the firm and consultant is not a primary driver of excessive CEO pay. Their explanation is that opposing incentives to maintain consultants’ credibility or safeguards put in place by compensation committees limit actions taken with regard to cross-selling incentives (Cadman, et al. , 2010). Secondly, consultant fees can be substantial; thus, the company should weigh the costs/benefits to determine whether hiring a consultant is appropriate. Thus, in my view, compensation consultants may not be part of agency problems but rather a solution to the problem of designing an optimal executive pay contract that aligns the interests of both the employee and employer if the firm can strengthen and promote transparency in its hiring process to maximize shareholder’s values.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mary Celeste

MARY CELESTE The Mary Celeste was a ghost ship found off the coast of Portugal in 1872. The Mary Celeste is a ship was discovered atlantic ocean unmanned and apparently abandoned and she was fine and the people and it remain a mystery. Her cargo was virtually untouched and her crew was never seen or heard from again. The crew’s disappearance was the greatest mystery of all time. Eyewitness Account The only eyewitness is Captain Morehouse. Captain Morehouse said that he thought that the crew was panic. Reports that likely to be true.The weather was very bad and for four days before the storm was very heavy and they found and maybe they have unlikely survive but the ship remains good and thus it remains a mystery. It seems reasonable to suggest that in order to take a break from the pounding sea, the captain gave the order to sail to the lee side of Santa Maria Island where the cook started a fire in the large galley stove to make hot food while other members of the crew furled most of the sails, leaving just enough canvas up to hold her heading as they made their way slowly along the lee shore of the island.Other crew members set about pumping the bilge and doing other chores. When the food was ready, the men stopped what they were doing and ate. After taking a smoke break, the Captain gave orders to get underway and the crew went back to work. Some went back to pumping the bilge; others started to set the sails they had recently furled. Just then the seafloor near Mary Celeste was ripped apart by a shallow-focused earthquake, a relatively common occurrence in the Azores.Report that might be exaggerated Conan Doyle (the author) was dramatized the Mary Celeste's story by adding such touches as meals laid out on the table, tea boiling on the stove, and the ship was sailing boldly into the harbor at Gibraltar with nobody at the helm. Today, most people who have heard of the ship think these details are part of what actually happened. They aren't. Conan Doyle 's was only the first of many such treatments.A 1913 magazine article was forged account of a man named Fosdyk who claimed the stowaway on board the Mary Celeste, witnessed the entire crew fall overboard as they pressed against the rail to watch three men have a swimming race, then managed to be the only one not eaten by sharks and eventually washed ashore on Africa. In the 1920s an author named Keating forged an article for Chamber's Journal telling the story of a man named Pemberton who survived. Keating soon expanded the fictitious Pemberton's tale into a book called The Great Mary Celeste Hoax.Unfortunately, the book's success has became its downfall: Interviews with Pemberton were widely sought. Keating tried to weasel his way out with excuses, and even offered a picture of his own father as a photograph Pemberton; but it was soon discovered that he made the whole thing up. Some information about the court inquiry held in Gribraltar The Inquiry into the Mary Celeste An inquiry of  Mary Celeste  disaster was held at the Admiralty Court by the British Royal Navy. Witnesses, experts, sailors, friends, business-partners and  acquaintances  were all questioned and interrogated.It was a slow, frustrating process. Not least a man who’s name was Flood. Flood was the Attorney-General of Gibraltar at the time. During the inquiry the judge listened acutely listened that was told and praised the crew Dei Gratia for their attention to detail and their bravery and skill in rescuing the ship , and bringing it safely back to land. Frederick Flood, however, had his own agenda. Flood was hell-bent on proving that the passengers was Mary Celeste had all met with some horrible and violent bloody end was suggested the theory of a drunken mutiny.He even rowed out to the ship to find evidence! He found the broken leaking barrels and the alcohol and the captain’s sword had cut-marks along the railings. He proposed the theory that the crew got an alcohol, dr ank themselves blind, murdered the captain, his wife, his daughter, his first mate has chucked them all overboard, then into the lifeboat and rowed†¦away†¦from a perfectly good ship†¦ Indeed, not a single piece of ‘evidence’ Flood submitted was found to be what it was!The barrels were empty because they were leaking (they’d been built of red oak, a porous wood which would’ve explained the empty barrels). The damage of railings? Ropes across the wood. The blood on the captain’s sword? It wasn’t blood. It wasn’t even the captain’s sword†¦that sword was stored under his bed! The sword that Flood found was an old, rusty knife lying on the deck. Scientists examined the blade and determined that the red substance was nothing but rust and old paint. It was probably used to lever open paint-cans and stir coagulated paint around!Examples of theories about the Mary Celeste crew’s disappearence Theories range fro m, alcoholic gas or smoke (fumes) to underwater earthquakes, to waterspouts, to paranormal explanations involving extraterrestrial life, unidentified flying objects (UFOs), sea monsters, and the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle, although the Mary Celeste is not known to have sailed through the Bermuda Triangle area. The Mary Celeste is often described as the ghost ship, since she was discovered without any apparent explanation, and her name has become a synonym for similar occurrences.The ship was said to be â€Å"cursed† and had a long history of disasters and catastrophes, and three captains died on the ship. The ship was destroyed in 1885 when it was intentionally wrecked off the coast of Haiti in an attempted insurance fraud. My opinion about Mary Celeste I think the story is half true and half right. The truth part is the storm and the earthquake in the water. The false part is the curse or the ufo and the phenomenon of the Bermuda triangle.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sompare and contrast two literary works Essay

The paper should be organized around your thesis (argument), which is the main point of the entire essay. When developing a thesis for a comparative paper, consider how a comparison of the works provides deeper insight into the topic of your paper (i.e., think about why you have chosen to look at these particular works in relation to one another). In your analysis, consider the relationships among the following elements: †¢Content †¢Form (e.g., short story vs. poem) †¢Style Assignment Requirements †¢Topic: Must address one of the topics in the guidelines †¢Length: Your draft should be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference page) †¢Sources: Utilize at least six scholarly sources to support your thesis (including the course text and at least two sources from the Ashford Online Library). †¢APA: Your draft must be formatted to APA (6th edition) style. Separate Title Page: Must include an original title ââ€" ¦Separate Reference Page Proper Citations: All sources must be properly cited, both within the text and in a separate reference page. †¢Elements of Academic Writing: All academic papers should include these elements. Introduction with a thesis statement Supporting paragraphs Conclusion Themes & Corresponding Works Choose only two of the works within your selected theme. Race / Ethnicity ââ€" ¦Country Lovers (Gordimer) The Welcome Table (Walker) What It’s Like to Be a Black Girl (Smith) Child of the Americas (Morales) Gender Roles / Marriage ââ€" ¦The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (Thurber) The Story of an Hour (Chopin) The Necklace (de Mauppassant) The Proposal (Chekhov) Country Lovers (Gordimer) Creativity / The Creative Process Poetry (Neruda) Constantly Risking Absurdity (Ferlinghetti) You, Reader (Collins) Death and Impermanence Dog’s Death (Updike) I Used to Live Here Once (Rhys) A Father’s Story (Dubus) Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night (Thomas) Nothing Gold Can Stay (Frost) In Memoriam (Tennyson) Because I Could Not Stop for Death (Dickinson) Nature Wild Geese (Oliver) Dover Beach (Arnold) The Oak (Tennyson) The Road Not Taken (Frost) Symbolism of the Journey The Road Not Taken (Frost) A Worn Path (Welty) I Used to Live Here Once (Rhys)

Saturday, September 14, 2019


LAN Switching and Wireless CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide is designed to help you learn about and apply your knowledge of the LAN switching and wireless topics from Version 4 of the Cisco ® Networking Academy ® CCNA ® Exploration curriculum. Each chapter contains a Study Guide section and a Labs and Activities section. ISBN-10: 1-58713-207-9 ISBN-13: 978-158713-207-0 Study GuideThe dozens of exercises in this book help you learn the concepts and configurations crucial to your success as a CCNA exam candidate. Each chapter is slightly different and includes matching, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and open-ended questions designed to help you  ¦ Review vocabulary  ¦ Strengthen troubleshooting skills  ¦ Boost configuration skills  ¦ Reinforce concepts  ¦ Research topics Packet Tracer Activities—This icon identifies exercises i nterspersed throughout the Study Guide section where you can practice or visualize a specific task using Packet Tracer, a powerful network simulation program developed by Cisco.Packet Tracer Activity Labs and Activities The Labs and Activities sections begin with a Command Reference table and include all the online curriculum labs to ensure that you have mastered the practical skills needed to succeed in this course. Hands-On Labs—This icon identifies the hands-on labs created for each chapter. Work through all the Basic, Challenge, and Troubleshooting labs as provided to gain a deep understanding of CCNA knowledge and skills to ultimately succeed on the CCNA Certification Exam. Packet Tracer Companion—This icon identifies the companion activities that correspond to each hands-on lab.You use Packet Tracer to complete a simulation of the hands-on lab. Packet Tracer Companion Companion CD-ROM The CD-ROM provides all the Packet Tracer Activity, Packet Tracer Companion, an d Packet Tracer Challenge files that are referenced throughout the book as indicated by the icons. These files work with Packet Tracer v4. 1 software, which is available through the Academy Connection website. Ask your instructor for access to the Packet Tracer software. This book is part of the Cisco Networking Academy Series from Cisco Press ®. Books in this series support and complement theCisco Networking Academy curriculum. ciscopress. com Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge—Each chapter concludes with a culminating activity called the Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge. These challenging activities require you to pull together several skills learned from the chapter— as well as previous chapters and courses—to successfully complete one comprehensive exercise. Packet Tracer Challenge Allan Johnson works full time developing curriculum for Cisco Networking Academy. Allan also is a part-time instructor at Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, Te xas.LAN Switching and Wireless CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide Use this book with: ISBN-13: 978-1-58713-202-5 ISBN-10: 1-58713-202-8 90000 9 781587 132025 Cisco Press L AN Switching and Wireless CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide Allan Johnson 00_2028_fm. qxp ii 4/3/08 5:08 PM Page ii LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide LAN Switching and Wireless CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide Allan Johnson Copyright © 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. Publisher Paul Boger Associate Publisher Dave Dusthimer Cisco Representative Anthony Wolfenden Published by: Cisco Press 00 East 96th Street Indianapolis, IN 46240 USA Cisco Press Program Manager Jeff Brady All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review. Production Manager Patrick Kanouse Printed in the United States of America Senior Project Editor Tonya Simpson First Printing April 2008 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:Johnson, Allan, 1962LAN switching and wireless : CCNA exploration labs and study guide / Allan Johnson. p. cm. ISBN-13: 978-1-58713-202-5 (pbk. ) ISBN-10: 1-58713-202-8 (pbk. ) 1. Wireless LANs—Examinations—Study guides. 2. Packet switching—Examinations—Study guides. 3. Telecommunications engineers—Certification—Examinations—Study guides. 4. Routing (Computer network management)—Examinations—Study guides. 5. Telecommunication—Switching systems Examinations—Study guides. I. Title. TK5105. 78. J64 2008 004. 6'8—dc22 2008014858 ISBN-13: 978-1-58713-202-5 ISBN-10: 1-58713-202-8 Executive Editor Mary Beth RayDevelopment Editor Andrew Cupp Copy Editor Bill McManus Technical Editors Bruce R. Gottwig Khalid Rubay i Tara Skibar Linda C. Watson Editorial Assistant Vanessa Evans Book and Cover Designer Louisa Adair Composition Mark Shirar Proofreader Leslie Joseph 00_2028_fm. qxp 4/3/08 5:08 PM Page xvii xvii Introduction The Cisco Networking Academy is a comprehensive e-learning program that provides students with Internet technology skills. A Networking Academy delivers web-based content, online assessment, student performance tracking, and hands-on labs to prepare students for industry-standard certifications.The CCNA curriculum includes four courses oriented around the topics on the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification. LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide is a supplement to your classroom and laboratory experience with the Cisco Networking Academy. In order to be successful on the exam and achieve your CCNA certification, you should do everything in your power to arm yourself with a variety of tools and training materials to support your learn ing efforts. This Labs and Study Guide is just such a collection of tools.Used to its fullest extent, it will help you gain the knowledge and practice the skills associated with the content area of the CCNA Exploration LAN Switching and Wireless course. Specifically, this book will help you work on these main areas:  ¦ LAN design principles and concepts  ¦ Ethernet operation with switches  ¦ Basic switch configuration and security  ¦ VLAN concepts and configuration  ¦ VTP concepts and configuration  ¦ STP, RSTP, and rapid PVST+ concepts and configuration  ¦ Inter-VLAN routing concepts and configuration  ¦ LAN wireless concepts and security issues LAN wireless configuration using Linksys WRT300N routers  ¦ Troubleshooting LAN switching and wireless configurations Labs and Study Guides similar to this one are also available for the other three courses: Network Fundamentals, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide, Routing Protocols and Concepts, CCNA Exploration Labs a nd Study Guide, and Accessing the WAN, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide. Audience for This Book This book’s main audience is anyone taking the CCNA Exploration LAN Switching and Wireless course of the Cisco Networking Academy curriculum.Many Academies use this book as a required tool in the course, while other Academies recommend the Labs and Study Guides as an additional source of study and practice materials. The secondary audiences for this book include people taking CCNA-related classes from professional training organizations. This book can also be used for college- and university-level networking courses, as well as anyone wanting to gain a detailed understanding of basic switching and wireless technologies. 00_2028_fm. qxp xviii 4/3/08 5:08 PM Page xviii LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide Goals and MethodsThe most important goal of this book is to help you pass the CCNA exam (640-802). Passing this foundation exam means that you not only have the required knowledge of the technologies covered by the exam, but that you can plan, design, implement, operate, and troubleshoot these technologies. In other words, these exams are rigorously application based. You can view the exam topics any time at http://www. cisco. com/go/certifications. The topics are divided into eight categories:  ¦ Describe how a network works  ¦ Configure, verify, and troubleshoot a switch with VLANs and inter-switch communications  ¦Implement an IP addressing scheme and IP services to meet network requirements in a medium-sized enterprise branch office network  ¦ Configure, verify, and troubleshoot basic router operation and routing on Cisco devices  ¦ Explain and select the appropriate administrative tasks required for a WLAN  ¦ Identify security threats to a network and describe general methods to mitigate those threats  ¦ Implement, verify, and troubleshoot NAT and ACLs in a medium-sized enterprise branch office network  ¦ Implement and verify WAN links The LAN Switching and Wireless course focuses on the second, fifth, and sixth bullets.The Study Guide portion of each chapter offers exercises that help you learn the LAN switching and wireless concepts as well as the configurations crucial to your success as a CCNA exam candidate. Each chapter is slightly different and includes some or all of the following types of exercises:  ¦  ¦ Skill-building activities and scenarios  ¦ Configuration scenarios  ¦ Concept questions  ¦ Packet Tracer Activity Vocabulary matching and completion Internet research In the configuration chapters, you’ll find many Packet Tracer Activities that work with the Cisco Packet Tracer tool.Packet Tracer allows you to create networks, visualize how packets flow in the network, and use basic testing tools to determine whether the network would work. When you see this icon, you can use Packet Tracer with the listed file to perform a task suggested in this book. The a ctivity files are available in this book’s CD-ROM; Packet Tracer software, however, is available through the Academy Connection website. Ask your instructor for access to Packet Tracer. The Labs and Activities portion of each chapter includes a Command Reference table, all the online Curriculum Labs, and a Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge Activity.The Curriculum Labs are divided into three categories:  ¦ Basic: The Basic Labs are procedural in nature and assume you have no experience configuring the technologies that are the topic of the lab.  ¦ Challenge: The Challenge Labs are implementation in nature and assume you have a firm enough grasp on the technologies to â€Å"go it alone. † These labs often only give you a general requirement that you must implement fully without the details of each small step. In other words, you must use the knowledge and skills you gained in the chapter text, activities, and Basic Lab to successfully complete the Challenge Labs.Avoid the temptation to work through 00_2028_fm. qxp 4/3/08 5:08 PM Page xix xix the Challenge Lab by flipping back through the Basic Lab when you are not sure of a command. Do not try to short-circuit your CCNA training. You need a deep understanding CCNA knowledge and skills to ultimately be successful on the CCNA exam.  ¦ Troubleshooting: The Troubleshooting Labs will ask you to fix a broken network. These labs include corrupted scripts you purposefully load onto the routers. Then you use troubleshooting techniques to isolate problems and implement a solution.By the end of the lab, you should have a functional network with full end-to-end connectivity. Packet Tracer Companion Most of the hands-on labs include Packet Tracer Companion Activities where you can use Packet Tracer to complete a simulation of the lab. Packet Tracer Challenge Each chapter also includes a culminating activity called the Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge. These activities require you to pul l together several skills learned from the chapter— and from previous chapters and courses—to successfully complete one comprehensive exercise. A Word About Packet TracerPacket Tracer is a self-paced, visual, interactive teaching and learning tool developed by Cisco. Lab activities are an important part of networking education. However, lab equipment can be a scarce resource. Packet Tracer provides a visual simulation of equipment and network processes to offset the challenge of limited equipment. Students can spend as much time as they like completing standard lab exercises through Packet Tracer, and have the option to work from home. Although Packet Tracer is not a substitute for real equipment, it allows students to practice using a command-line interface.This â€Å"e-doing† capability is a fundamental component of learning how to configure routers and switches from the command line. Packet Tracer v4. x is available only to Cisco Networking Academies through the Academy Connection website. How This Book Is Organized Because the content of LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide and the online curriculum is sequential, you should work through this Labs and Study Guide in order beginning with Chapter 1. The book covers the major topic headings in the same sequence as the online curriculum for the CCNA Exploration LAN Switching and Wireless course.This book has seven chapters, with the same numbers and names as the online course chapters. If necessary, a chapter uses a single topology for the exercises in the Study Guide portion. The single topology per chapter allows for better continuity and easier understanding of switching commands, operations, and outputs. However, the topology is different from the one used in the online curriculum and the Companion Guide. A different topology affords you the opportunity to practice your knowledge and skills without just simply recording the information you find in the text.  ¦ Chapter 1, â€Å"LAN Design†: The exercises in the Study Guide portion focus on LAN design concepts, including vocabulary and the three-layer hierarchical model. The Labs and Activities portion includes a Basic Lab, a Challenge Lab, a Troubleshooting Lab, and a Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge activity.  ¦ Chapter 2, â€Å"Basic Switch Concepts and Configuration†: The exercises in the Study Guide portion help you understand basic Ethernet and switching concepts, including building the MAC address table and collision and broadcast domains. Then, the Packet Tracer exercises 00_2028_fm. qxp xx 4/3/08 5:08 PMPage xx LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide cover, in detail, how to configure a switch, including basic switch management and configuring switch security. The Labs and Activities portion includes two Basic Labs, a Challenge Lab, and a Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge activity.  ¦ Chapter 3, â€Å"VLANs†: The exercises in the Study Guide portion focus on the concepts of VLANs, including benefits of VLANs and types of VLANs. The exercises then cover VLAN trunking concepts before moving into a section devoted to a VLAN and trunk configuration Packet Tracer exercise.The Labs and Activities portion includes a Basic Lab, a Challenge Lab, a Troubleshooting Lab, and a Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge activity.  ¦ Chapter 4, â€Å"VTP†: The exercises in the Study Guide portion are devoted to VTP concepts and configuration, including vocabulary, VTP modes, an Internet research exercise, and a VTP Packet Tracer exercise. The Labs and Activities portion includes a Basic Lab, a Challenge Lab, a Troubleshooting Lab, and a Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge activity.  ¦Chapter 5, â€Å"STP†: The exercises in the Study Guide portion focus on the concept of redundant LAN topologies, using STP and its variants to stop loops, and the commands to manipulate root bridge elections. The Labs and Activities portion of the chapter includes a Basic Lab, a Challenge Lab, a Troubleshooting Lab, and a Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge activity.  ¦ Chapter 6, â€Å"Inter-VLAN Routing†: This short chapter focuses on how to configure interVLAN routing, including two Packet Tracer exercises.The Labs and Activities portion includes a Basic Lab, a Challenge Lab, a Troubleshooting Lab, and a Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge activity.  ¦ Chapter 7, â€Å"Basic Wireless Concepts and Configuration†: The exercises in the Study Guide portion begin with wireless LAN concepts, including standards, operation, and security. The exercises then cover wireless configuration for LAN access using a Linksys WRT300N, including a Packet Tracer exercise. The Labs and Activities portion of the chapter includes a Basic Lab, a Challenge Lab, a Troubleshooting Lab, and a Packet Tracer Skills Integration Challenge activity.About the CD-ROM Packet Tr acer Activity The CD-ROM included with this book has all the Packet Tracer Activity, Packet Tracer Companion, and Packet Tracer Challenge files that are referenced throughout the book, indicated by the Packet Tracer Activity, Packet Tracer Companion, and Packet Tracer Challenge icons. Packet Tracer Companion Updates to these files can be obtained from the website for this book at http://www. ciscopress. com/title/1587132028. The files will be updated to cover any subsequent releases of Packet Tracer. Packet Tracer Challenge About the Cisco Press Website for This BookCisco Press may provide additional content that can be accessed by registering your individual book at the Ciscopress. com website. Becoming a member and registering is free, and you then gain access to exclusive deals on other resources from Cisco Press. To register this book, go to www. ciscopress. com/bookstore/register. asp and log into your account or create a free account if you do not have one already. Then enter the ISBN located on the back cover of this book. After you register the book, it will appear on your Account page under Registered Products and you can access any online material from there. 6_2028_ch06. qxp 4/3/08 5:10 PM Page 239 CHAPTER 6 Inter-VL AN Routing Now that you have a network with many different VLANs, the next question is, â€Å"How do you permit devices on separate VLANs to communicate? † The exercises in this chapter review the concepts of inter-VLAN routing and how it is used to permit devices on separate VLANs to communicate. The Study Guide portion of this chapter uses a combination of fill-in-the-blank, open-ended question, and Packet Tracer exercises to test your knowledge of inter-VLAN routing concepts and configurations.The Labs and Activities portion of this chapter includes all the online curriculum labs to ensure that you have mastered the hands-on skills needed to understand inter-VLAN routing concepts and configuration. As you work through this cha pter, use Chapter 6 in LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide or use the corresponding Chapter 6 in the Exploration LAN Switching and Wireless online curriculum for assistance. 06_2028_ch06. qxp 240 4/3/08 5:10 PM Page 240 LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide Study Guide Inter-VLAN RoutingThe exercise in this section covers what inter-VLAN routing is and some of the different ways to accomplish inter-VLAN routing on a network. Inter-VLAN Routing Concepts Exercise Introducing Inter-VLAN Routing Define inter-VLAN routing: Briefly explain traditional inter-VLAN routing: Briefly explain â€Å"router-on-a-stick† inter-VLAN routing: What are subinterfaces? Interfaces and Subinterfaces In Figure 6-1, PC1 and PC3 need connectivity between each other. However, each is on a different VLAN. Assume S1 is already configured for traditional inter-VLAN routing. In Figure 6-1, connect S1 and R1 and label the interfaces.Then record the comman ds to configure R1 with traditional interVLAN routing. Use the first available IP addresses in each VLAN for the router interfaces. Figure 6-1 Traditional Inter-VLAN Routing Configuration R1 S1 10. 10. 10. 10 VLAN 10 PC1 VLAN 10: 10. 10. 10. 0/24 VLAN 30: 10. 10. 30. 0/24 PC3 10. 10. 30. 10 VLAN 30 06_2028_ch06. qxp 4/3/08 5:10 PM Page 241 Chapter 6: Inter-VLAN Routing 241 In the following lines, record the commands to configure R1 with traditional inter-VLAN routing: In Figure 6-2, PC1 and PC3 need connectivity between each other. However, each is on a different VLAN.Assume S1 is already configured for router-on-a-stick inter-VLAN routing. In Figure 6-2, connect S1 and R1 and label the interfaces. Then record the commands to configure R1 with router-on-astick inter-VLAN routing. Use the first available IP addresses in each VLAN for the router interfaces. Figure 6-2 Router-on-a-Stick Inter-VLAN Routing Configuration R1 S1 10. 10. 10. 10 VLAN 10 PC1 VLAN 10: 10. 10. 10. 0/24 VLAN 30: 10. 10. 30. 0/24 PC3 10. 10. 30. 10 VLAN 30 In the following lines, record the commands to configure R1 with router-on-a-stick inter-VLAN routing:Complete Table 6-1, which compares the characteristics of configuring traditional inter-VLAN routing with router-on-a-stick inter-VLAN routing. Table 6-1 Comparing Traditional and Router-on-a-Stick Inter-VLAN Routing Characteristics Characteristic Traditional Router-on-a-Stick Physical interfaces Bandwidth Switch port configuration continues 06_2028_ch06. qxp 242 4/3/08 5:10 PM Page 242 LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide Table 6-1 Comparing Traditional and Router-on-a-Stick Inter-VLAN Routing Characteristics continued Characteristic Traditional Router-on-a-Stick ExpensePhysical complexity Configuring Inter-VLAN Routing The exercises in this section cover how to configure inter-VLAN routing and review the commands to configure a switch to support inter-VLAN routing. Inter-VLAN Routing Configuration Exercise F igure 6-3 shows two topologies. One topology is using traditional inter-VLAN routing and the other topology is using router-on-a-stick inter-VLAN routing. The addressing for both topologies is shown in Table 6-2. For this exercise, you will not configure a separate management or native VLAN. Figure 6-3 Inter-VLAN Routing Configuration Topology Traditional Inter-VLAN Routing Router-on-a-Stick† Inter-VLAN Routing R1 R2 Fa0/0 Fa0/1 Fa0/0 Fa0/1 Fa0/2 Fa0/1 S1 Fa0/6 PC1 Fa0/6 VLAN 10: 192. 168. 10. 0/24 VLAN 20: 192. 168. 20. 0/24 192. 168. 10. 10 VLAN 10 Table 6-2 S2 Fa0/11 PC2 192. 168. 20. 10 VLAN 20 PC3 Fa0/11 VLAN 30: 192. 168. 30. 0/24 VLAN 40: 192. 168. 40. 0/24 192. 168. 30. 10 VLAN 30 PC4 192. 168. 40. 10 VLAN 40 Addressing Table for Inter-VLAN Routing Configuration Exercise Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway R1 Fa0/0 192. 168. 10. 1 255. 255. 255. 0 — Fa0/1 192. 168. 20. 1 255. 255. 255. 0 — PC1 NIC 192. 168. 10. 10 255. 255. 255. 0 192. 168. 10. 1 PC2 NIC 192. 168. 0. 10 255. 255. 255. 0 192. 168. 20. 10 R2 Fa0/0. 30 192. 168. 30. 1 255. 255. 255. 0 — Fa0/0. 40 192. 168. 40. 1 255. 255. 255. 0 — PC3 NIC 192. 168. 30. 10 255. 255. 255. 0 192. 168. 30. 1 PC4 NIC 192. 168. 40. 10 255. 255. 255. 0 192. 168. 40. 1 06_2028_ch06. qxp 4/3/08 5:10 PM Page 243 Chapter 6: Inter-VLAN Routing 243 Enter the commands, including the router prompt, to configure R1 for traditional inter-VLAN routing: Enter the commands, including the switch prompt, to configure S1 to forward VLAN traffic. Assume the VLANs are already created in the VLAN database. However, VLANs have not yet been assigned to any ports.Enter the commands, including the router prompt, to configure R2 for router-on-a-stick inter-VLAN routing: Enter the commands, including the switch prompt, to configure S2 to forward VLAN traffic. Assume the VLANs are already created in the VLAN database. However, VLANs have not yet been assigned to any ports. 06_2028_ch0 6. qxp 244 4/3/08 5:10 PM Page 244 LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide Packet Tracer Activity Packet Tracer Exercise 6-1: Inter-VLAN Configuration Now you are ready to use Packet Tracer to apply your answers to the â€Å"Inter-VLAN Routing Configuration Exercise. Open file LSG03-0601. pka on the CD-ROM that accompanies this book to perform this exercise using Packet Tracer. Note: The following instructions are also contained within the Packet Tracer Exercise. Learning Objectives Upon completion of this Packet Tracer Exercise, you will be able to  ¦ Configure traditional inter-VLAN routing  ¦ Configure router-on-a-stick inter-VLAN routing  ¦ Verify connectivity  ¦ Save the Packet Tracer file Scenario In this exercise, you will practice configuring both traditional and router-on-a-stick inter-VLAN routing. The routers and switches have a basic configuration.The passwords are cisco for user EXEC mode and class for privileged EXEC mode. Use your an swers from the â€Å"Inter-VLAN Routing Configuration Exercise† to complete the tasks. Task 1: Configure Traditional Inter-VLAN Routing Step 1. Configure R1 for traditional inter-VLAN routing. Step 2. Configure S1 to forward VLAN traffic. Step 3. Your completion percentage should be 53 percent. If not, click Check Results to see which required components are not yet completed. Task 2: Configure Router-on-a-Stick Inter-VLAN Routing Step 1. Configure R2 for router-on-a-stick inter-VLAN routing. Step 2.Configure S2 to forward VLAN traffic. Step 3. Your completion percentage should be 100 percent. If not, click Check Results to see which required components are not yet completed. Task 3: Verify Connectivity PC1 should be able to ping PC2. PC3 should be able to ping PC4. Alternatively, you can click Check Results and then the Connectivity Tests tab. The status of both connectivity tests should be listed as â€Å"Correct. † Task 4: Save the Packet Tracer File Save your Packe t Tracer file as LSG03-0601-end. pka. 06_2028_ch06. qxp 4/3/08 5:10 PM Page 245 Chapter 6: Inter-VLAN Routing 245 Troubleshooting Inter-VLAN RoutingThe exercises in this section explore common issues and troubleshooting methods to identify and correct problems in inter-VLAN routing implementations. Common Errors and Troubleshooting Tools Exercise Using the examples shown in the chapter, list at least six common errors in the inter-VLAN routing implementations. Switch Configuration Issues:  ¦  ¦  ¦ Router Configuration Issues:  ¦  ¦ IP Addressing Issues:  ¦  ¦  ¦ What are some useful commands you can use to isolate problems in an inter-VLAN routing network? Switch IOS Commands:  ¦  ¦ Router IOS Commands:  ¦  ¦ PC Commands:  ¦ Packet Tracer ActivityPacket Tracer Exercise 6-2: Troubleshooting Inter-VLAN Routing Now you are ready to use Packet Tracer to apply your knowledge of troubleshooting techniques. Open file LSG03-0602. pka on the CD-ROM that accompanies this book to perform this exercise using Packet Tracer. Note: The following instructions are also contained within the Packet Tracer Exercise. 06_2028_ch06. qxp 246 4/3/08 5:10 PM Page 246 LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide Learning Objectives Upon completion of this Packet Tracer Exercise, you will be able to  ¦ Test connectivity between the PCs and the router Gather data on the problems  ¦ Implement solutions and test connectivity Scenario In this exercise, you will practice troubleshooting both traditional and router-on-a-stick inter-VLAN routing. The routers, switches, and PCs are already configured and are using the IP addresses listed in Table 6-2. You cannot access the routers or switches directly. Instead, you must use the available console connections through the PCs. The passwords are cisco for user EXEC mode and class for privileged EXEC mode. Use connectivity tests and show commands to discover problems and troubleshoot the networks.The exercise is complete when you achieve 100 percent and the two PCs on each network can ping each other. Task 1: Configure Traditional Inter-VLAN Routing The following tests should be successful at the conclusion of this activity:  ¦ PC1 can ping R1.  ¦ PC2 can ping R1.  ¦ PC1 can ping PC2.  ¦ PC3 can ping R2.  ¦ PC4 can ping R2.  ¦ PC3 can ping PC4. Each of these tests should fail on the first attempt. Task 2: Gather Data on the Problems Step 1. Verify the configuration on the PCs. Are the following configurations for each PC correct?  ¦  ¦ Subnet mask  ¦ Step 2. IP address Default gatewayVerify the configuration on the switches. Are the configurations on the switches correct? Be sure to verify the following:  ¦ Ports assigned to the correct VLANs  ¦ Ports configured for the correct mode  ¦ Ports connected to the correct device 06_2028_ch06. qxp 4/3/08 5:10 PM Page 247 Chapter 6: Inter-VLAN Routing Step 3. 247 Verify the configuration on the routers. Are the configurations on the routers correct? Be sure to verify the following:  ¦  ¦ Interface status  ¦ Step 4. IP addresses Encapsulation and VLAN assignment Document the problems and suggest solutions. What are the reasons connectivity failed between the PCs?What are the solutions? There could be more than one problem and more than one solution. All solutions must conform to the topology diagram in Figure 6-3 and the addressing in Table 6-2. List the problems, if any, and the solutions for the PCs: List the problems, if any, and the solutions for the switches: List the problems, if any, and the solutions for routers: Task 3: Implement the Solution and Test Connectivity Step 1. Make changes according to the suggested solutions in Task 2. Note: If you make changes to the switch configuration, you should make the changes in Realtime mode rather than Simulation mode.This is necessary so that the switch port will proceed to the forwarding state. Step 2. Test connectivity between PCs an d R1. If you change any IP configurations, you should create new pings because the prior pings use the old IP address:  ¦ PC1 should be able to ping R1.  ¦ PC2 should be able to ping R1. 06_2028_ch06. qxp 248 4/3/08 5:10 PM Page 248 LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide  ¦ PC1 should be able to ping PC2.  ¦ PC3 should be able to ping R2.  ¦ PC4 should be able to ping R2.  ¦ PC3 should be able to ping PC4. If any pings fail, return to Task 2 to continue troubleshooting.Step 3. Check results. Your completion percentage should be 100 percent. If not, return to Step 1 and continue to implement your suggested solutions. You will not be able to click Check Results and see which required components are not yet completed. However, you can click Check Results and then the Connectivity Tests tab. The status of all six connectivity tests should be listed as â€Å"Correct. † Task 4: Save the Packet Tracer File Save your Packet Tracer file as LSG03- 0602-end. pka. 06_2028_ch06. qxp 4/3/08 5:10 PM Page 249 Chapter 6: Inter-VLAN Routing 249 Labs and Activities Command ReferenceIn Table 6-3, record the command, including the correct prompt, that fits the description. Fill in any blanks with the appropriate missing information. Table 6-3 Commands for Inter-VLAN Routing Configuration Command Description Creates a subinterface numbered 10 on the router for Fa0/0 Specifies IEEE 801. 1Q as the VLAN tagging method for VLAN 10 on this subinterface Lab 6-1: Basic Inter-VLAN Routing (6. 4. 1) Learning Objectives Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to  ¦ Cable a network according to the topology diagram in Figure 6-4  ¦ Clear configurations and reload a switch and a router to the default state Perform basic configuration tasks on a switched LAN and router  ¦ Configure VLANs and VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) on all switches  ¦ Demonstrate and explain the impact of Layer 3 boundaries imposed by creating VLANs  ¦ Configure a router to support 802. 1Q trunking on a Fast Ethernet interface  ¦ Configure a router with subinterfaces corresponding to the configured VLANs  ¦ Demonstrate and explain inter-VLAN routing 06_2028_ch06. qxp 250 4/3/08 5:10 PM Page 250 LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide Figure 6-4 shows the topology diagram for this lab. Figure 6-4 Topology Diagram for Lab 6-1F0/0 R1 WEB/TFTP Server 172. 17. 50. 254 F0/1 F0/1 F0/2 S3 F0/4 F0/5 F0/1 F0/2 F0/3 S1 F0/3 F0/1 F0/2 F0/3 F0/4 F0/4 S2 F0/11 F0/6 F0/18 PC1 172. 17. 10. 21 VLAN 10 PC2 172. 17. 20. 22 VLAN 20 PC3 172. 17. 30. 23 VLAN 30 Table 6-4 shows the addressing scheme used in this lab. Table 6-4 Addressing Table for Lab 6-1 Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway R1 Fa0/0 172. 17. 50. 1 255. 255. 255. 0 — Fa0/1. 1 172. 17. 1. 1 255. 255. 255. 0 — Fa0/1. 10 172. 17. 10. 1 255. 255. 255. 0 — Fa0/1. 20 172. 17. 20. 1 255. 255. 255. 0 — Fa0/1. 30 172. 17. 30. 1 25 5. 255. 255. 0 — Fa0/1. 99 172. 17. 9. 1 255. 255. 255. 0 — S1 VLAN 99 172. 17. 99. 11 255. 255. 255. 0 172. 17. 99. 1 S2 VLAN 99 172. 17. 99. 12 255. 255. 255. 0 172. 17. 99. 1 S3 VLAN 99 172. 17. 99. 13 255. 255. 255. 0 172. 17. 99. 1 PC1 NIC 172. 17. 10. 21 255. 255. 255. 0 172. 17. 10. 1 PC2 NIC 172. 17. 20. 22 255. 255. 255. 0 172. 17. 20. 1 PC3 NIC 172. 17. 30. 23 255. 255. 255. 0 172. 17. 30. 1 Web server NIC 172. 17. 50. 254 255. 255. 255. 0 172. 17. 50. 1 06_2028_ch06. qxp 4/3/08 5:10 PM Page 251 Chapter 6: Inter-VLAN Routing 251 Table 6-5 shows the port assignments used in this lab. Table 6-5 Port Assignments for S2 PortsAssignment Network Fa0/1–0/4 802. 1Q Trunks (Native VLAN 99) 172. 17. 99. 0 /24 Fa0/5–0/10 VLAN 30—Guest (Default) 172. 17. 30. 0 /24 Fa0/11–0/17 VLAN 10—Faculty/Staff 172. 17. 10. 0 /24 Fa0/18–0/24 VLAN 20—Students 172. 17. 20. 0 /24 Task 1: Prepare the Network Step 1. Cable a network that is similar to the one shown in Figure 6-4. You can use any current switch in your lab as long as it has the required interfaces shown in Figure 6-4 and supports 802. 1Q encapsulation. The router you choose must support inter-VLAN routing. The output shown in this lab is based on Cisco 2960 switches and an 1841 router.Other switch or router models may produce different output. Set up console connections to all three switches. Step 2. Clear any existing configurations on the switches. Clear NVRAM, delete the vlan. dat file, and reload the switches. Refer to â€Å"Lab 2-1: Basic Switch Configuration (2. 5. 1)† if necessary for the procedure. After the reload is complete, use the show vlan command to confirm that only default VLANs exist and that all ports are assigned to VLAN 1. S1#show vlan VLAN Name Status Ports —— ——————————————— ———— - ——————————————1 default active Fa0/1, Fa0/2, Fa0/3, Fa0/4 Fa0/5, Fa0/6, Fa0/7, Fa0/8Fa0/9, Fa0/10, Fa0/11, Fa0/12 Fa0/13, Fa0/14, Fa0/15,Fa0/16 Fa0/17, Fa0/18, Fa0/19,Fa0/20 Fa0/21, Fa0/22, Fa0/23,Fa0/24 Gig1/1, Gig1/2 1002 fddi-default active 1003 token-ring-default active 1004 fddinet-default active 1005 trnet-default active 06_2028_ch06. qxp 252 4/3/08 5:10 PM Page 252 LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide Step 3. Disable all ports on the switches using the shutdown command. Ensure that the initial switch port states are inactive by disabling all ports. Use the interface range command to simplify this task. Commands for S1 are shown here: S1(config)#interface range fa0/1-24S1(config-if-range)#shutdown S1(config-if-range)#interface range gi0/1-2 S1(config-if-range)#shutdown Step 4. Reenable the active user ports on S2 in access mode: S2(config)#interface fa0/6 S2(config-if)#switchport mode access S2(config-if)#no shutdown S2(config-if)#interface fa0/11 S2(config-if)#switchport mode access S2(config-if)#no shutdown S2(config-if)#interface fa0/18 S2(config-if)#switchport mode access S2(config-if)#no shutdown Task 2: Perform Basic Switch Configurations Configure the S1, S2, and S3 switches according to the addressing table and the following guidelines:  ¦Configure the switch hostname.  ¦ Disable DNS lookup.  ¦ Configure an enable secret password of class.  ¦ Configure a password of cisco for the console connections.  ¦ Configure a password of cisco for vty connections.  ¦ Configure the default gateway on each switch. Only the commands for S1 are shown here: Switch;gt;enable Switch#configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch(config)#hostname S1 S1(config)#enable secret class S1(config)#no ip domain-lookup S1(config)#ip default-gateway 172. 17. 99. 1 S1(config)#line console 0 S1(conf ig-line)#password ciscoS1(config-line)#login S1(config-line)#line vty 0 15 S1(config-line)#password cisco S1(config-line)#login S1(config-line)