Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ethnographic Fieldwork Cultural Anthropology Essay Example For Students

Ethnographic Fieldwork : Cultural Anthropology Essay 1). Ethnographic fieldwork is very important to the practice of cultural anthropology. In a 2 to 3 page essay discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this research method. In doing so, please do the following:a) Define ethnographic fieldwork and explain why it is important to cultural anthropology. Ethnographic fieldwork is characteristic of cultural anthropology (Sprandley, 6) . Ethnography entails theory of cultures. Ethnographic fieldwork is important to cultural anthropology to undercover the unknown principles of another way of life so they can enlightened the people through it to understand different way of life and the situation another way of life are living. Anthropologist study from those who distinguish the culture best such as its members and they seek the insider’s point of view. They try to clarify this point of view to people so we won t see people who lives life differently in narrow minded or think in bad way or inferior way.b) Referring to at least two of the readings, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this method. What are some issue it raises? What does it allow us to see that other methods might not? What are some perils and pitfalls that it poses to the researcher? The potency in these method of fieldwork is, we are able to see insider s point of view. Anthropologists have to ask very basic questions, and cannot assume they understand things which consider to be weakness. Sometimes while asking questions author might have to take an attitude of ignorance, to set aside naive relativism. This weakness can be explain through Gmelch article. This article lead us to understand that it is hard, but compulsory to try to put aside our own precise understandings. It also explains us that fieldwork freque. . in just our own point of view, we would reject culture practice of other cultures just based on our culture. We would assume that our culture is superior and mirror. When I read about Tibetans, it does astonished me for a minute. However, it was difficult for me to believe that two or more brother have one wife. It s completely restricted in my cultures so it s difficult for me to accept the fact. This makes me curious and to find out more about Tibatans, their cultures and their cultural practices. I had tried to gather as many information about Tibetans culture online, it does actually changes the way, I think about Tibetans. Now I can understand and accept their cultural practices which I was rejecting it at first place. I think cultural relativism is very important for every person to view, understand facts about other cultures and their cultural practices.

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